Friday, 29 March 2013

Claude Terrace

Whilst walking to Moorland Road yesterday morning I can across this:

As collection day is Wednesday, this rubbish would not be collected until next week, and as it was obviously being attacked by animals, I decided to come back and clear it up.

Please can residents ensure their rubbish is put out for collection by 7am on the day of collection and not later.  This will mean we all get to live in a cleaner city, with less chance of bags being ripped open.

Sarah Moore

Thursday, 28 March 2013

New extension 68 Ivy Ave

We have a new planning application for the Erection of first floor side extension, bike store, new roof lights and minor modifications at 68 Ivy Ave

Application reference: 13/01086/FUL received on 14/03/2013 Planning Portal reference: PP-02520352 

If you want to know more about the application or make a comment then please follow the link below.

by Cllr Sharon Ball

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

This is better

A big thank you to Curo who have done a good job when replacing the broken tree at King Georges Road that I reported to them a few months ago.

I am sure residents will remember the broken metal grids that were in place in this area before that were an eyesore.

The new paving stones are certainly a huge improvement and tidy the area up, lets hope that the kids leave the tree alone to grow.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Monday, 25 March 2013

I have again asked the council to clear the blocked drain at the junction of Lansdown View and King Georges Road.

This drain has been blocked for several months now and as this area is on a steep hill so it is important that the drain is cleared quickly.

By Councillor Sharon Ball

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Westmoreland Waste

I went for a walk around the Westmoreland ward this morning and was shocked to find that households in 23 different streets had rubbish outside.  I have reported each occurrence of this to BANES to arrange for the waste to be collected before it is spread down the street.

It is important that everyone takes responsibility for disposing of their own waste, which means that NO rubbish should be put on the footpath outside your properties until the day of collection.

Waste bags put out on days other than that of your scheduled collection encourages animals and birds to rip them open and in the case of recycling can result in it being spread over a large area when we have strong winds.

If you are unsure which day your waste is collected, please either check on the BANES website or contact us.

We are committed to ensuring the Westmoreland ward is the cleanest, safest area to live and would ask residents to help us to achieve this.

Sarah Moore

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Claude Avenue/Cynthia Road

Following the Waste Collections yesterday, I went out this morning and picked up 8 bags of litter along Claude Avenue, Bridge Road, Cynthia Road and Mayfield Road.

I was shocked at the amount of litter left behind.  It is important to make sure all waste is put out on the correct day and in suitable containers to reduce the quantity that is left behind.

If you do not have suitable receipticles for your recycling, please get in touch with the Waste Services Team at BANES, who will be happy to help/advise you.


Sarah Moore

Monday, 18 March 2013

Roseberry Place

Whilst out litter picking this afternoon we came across this:

We have contacted the owner of the land and asked them to arrange for it to be cleared up as soon as possible.


Sarah Moore

Lower Bristol Road

Sharon and I have just returned from a very busy hour clearing litter along the Lower Bristol Road, between the Windsor Bridge and the student accommodation blocks.

We collected 7 bags full of litter as well as old paint cans, a child's ride on toy and an old door.

We are keen to ensure all areas of Westmoreland are kept clean and will be carrying out more clear up activities throughout the ward.  

If you are interested in joining us, please get in touch.

Sarah Moore 

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Coronation Ave/Ivy Ave Lane clear up

This morning Councillor Sharon Ball and I joined residents to clear up this mess:

Amongst the items we removed were 3 computer monitors, a bike frame and rusty bike wheel, a car wheel, a matress, a sofabed, a rusty barbeque frame and a duvet.  We also filled over 40 waste bags with smaller items of rubbish such as cans, bottles and plastic bags.

Thankfully the rain stayed off and In just under 2 hours we have managed to transform the lane and have left it looking like this:

Look out for more action days that we are organising over the coming months.  If you would like to get involved, please contact us.

Sarah Moore

Friday, 15 March 2013

Energy saving open house.

Visitors who drop in can see advisors demonstrate how to take meter readings, set central heating controls, explain practical measures to address condensation and damp, and show how making small changes in the home can result in savings on fuel bills. Each visitor can take home information leaflets and a free thermometer card and magnet. The first 100 visitors get a free Winter Warmth pack!
56 The Hollow, Twerton, Bath BA2 1LZ (map)
12 March-14 April
Tuesday (late night opening): 3-7
Wednesday-Saturday: 10-2pm
The Open House is part of the Winter Warmth Club project that we're delivering with Bath & North East Somerset's Housing Services department.
In partnership with West of England Care and Repair, British Red Cross, Age UK and Curo, the area's major social housing provider, we're offering a variety of help and advice, particularly aimed at older people. By calling CSE's Home Energy Team on 0800 082 2234, people in the area could access: 
  • Discounted heating repairs and improvements - using trusted contractors to repair heating and hot water systems
  • Supplying oil-filled radiators if heating can’t be reinstated quickly
  • A referral to get funding for energy efficiency improvements like loft insulation
  • Winter safety checks
  • Draught proofing – doors, windows, chimneys, loft hatches, etc.
  • Loft clearance in preparation for insulation
  • Path clearance
  • Hot water tank or pipe lagging
  • A personal visit from Red Cross staff or volunteers
  • Advice on benefits, grants and services that can help
  • Advice on fire hazards from Avon Fire and Rescue
  • A free Healthy Homes pack, containing essentials for winter weather and power cuts
This scheme is funded by the Department of Health. More information on the council website here.

Dransfield Way traffic problems

I have been contacted by residents concerning traffic driving through the barriers on Dransfield Way between Coronation Ave and Ivy Ave.

I am investigating the issue as well as damage that has been caused to some of the barriers that apparently are causing this incursion.

A number of years ago the barriers were put up after the area was resurfaced to create a car park for the business that was going into the former Moravian Church.

CCTV cabinets Wiindsor Bridge Road

We have a planning application for the Installation of a 8m column and road side cabinet for the transmission of public space CCTV images (CCTV cameras will not be installed at this location)
Application reference: 13/00707/REG03 received on 19/02/2013
Planning Portal reference: PP-02472754

To see further details or make a comment on the application then please follow th

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Good meeting with Residents Southview Road

I would like to say a big thank you to all of the residents of Southview Road who greeted Sarah Moore and me with such warmth last night.

Many issues were raised and we will be reporting back to individual residents over the coming week on matters that they have raised.

It was also good to be able to clarify the position on the Bath Press site that has now had its designation changed in the councils Core Strategy to a site for mixed use development with 100 houses of which 30% would be affordable homes and a moderate size supermarket, we are glad we lobbied for this change.

It was also noted that Tesco has raised an appeal over the refusal of the council to grant it permission for a hypermarket on the Bath Press site and any residents with and opinion should still write to the Planning inspector who's details are listed on a previous entry on this web site.

By Councillor Sharon Ball

Highway obstruction

After first reporting these bags on 1st July last year, we are pleased to report they have finally been removed.

Items like this should not be left on a highway without consent from the council.

If you have any issues you would like us to help with, please contact us.

Sarah Moore

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Carr's Woodland Litter Pick

Bath & North East Somerset Council, with support from St Michael’s C of E Junior School,

have organised a litter pick at Carr’s Wood.

Followed by a double launch:

a new natural play space in Carr’s Wood the Council’s new document on Playful Risk: Risk-Benefit Assessment.

The document will support organisations to weigh up risks against the benefits when making opportunities for children to play.

Any questions, or to let us know you are coming, please contact: Jeremy Dymond – Play & Community Development Officer

Walwyn Close, 1 - 3pm this Monday (18th March)
If you are able to join in, please meet by Carr’s woods at:

Walwyn Close, 1 - 3pm this Monday (18th March)

Part of Bellotts Road to be Closed

Part of Bellotts Road will be closed for 1 day on 6th April due to a cycling event taking place.

A Notice issued by Bath & North East Somerset Council is below.


Notice is hereby given that the Bath and North East Somerset Council
 in pursuance of the provisions of section 14 of the Road Traffic 
Regulation Act 1984 as amended intends to make an order the 
effect of which will be to close temporarily to vehicles that length
 of Bellotts Road, Bath, extending from its junction with Lyndhurst
 Road, in a northerly direction for a distance of approximately 200 metres.

This order is required because of a cycling event to be held on or 
near the road and will be operative from the 6th April 2013  
for a maximum period of one day. However, the restriction may 
not be effected for the whole of the period but it is anticipated 
that the road will be restricted as and when traffic signs are in 
position and only for so long as is necessary for the event to 
take place which it is anticipated will be for a period of ONE DAY
 between 1 pm and 5 pm.

ALTERNATIVE ROUTE – Ringwood Road, Millmead Road, 
Dartmouth Avenue, Lymore Avenue, The Hollow, Lansdown View, 
Jews Lane, A36 Lower Bristol Road, Bellotts Road (unaffected part).

Tesco appeal over refusal of Bath Press site.

Sharon at Bath Press site
Below are details of the appeal by Tesco over the refusal of their planning application for the Bath Press site.

Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2010
Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011
Site Location:    Former Bath Press Premises Lower Bristol Road Westmoreland Bath
Description of Proposal:    Mixed-use redevelopment comprising 6,300sqm of retail (Class A1), 4,580sqm of creative work space (Class B1), 2,610sqm of offices (Class B1), 220sqm of community space (class D1/D2), 10 residential houses, basement car park, landscape and access (including realignment of Brook Road)
Appeal Ref:    13/00028/RF
Application Ref:      12/01999/EFUL
Planning Inspectorate Appeal Ref:  APP/F0114/A/13/2191952
Appeal Start Date:  8 March 2013
Appellant:  Tesco Stores Limited
We are writing to inform you that an Appeal has been made to the Planning Inspectorate in respect of the above development.  The appeal is against the decision of the Local Planning Authority to refuse planning permission for the development described above.  Permission was refused for the reason(s) set out as follows:

 1 The proposed development would give rise to a potential danger to human lives by virtue of its proximity to the nearby operational gasholder site contrary to planning policies ES9 and ES13 of the adopted Bath and North East Somerset Local Plan and contrary to the advice of the Health and Safety Executive.

 2 The applicant has failed to justify trip generation, parking demand and trip distribution assumptions made in their Transport Assessment and analysis. Insufficient information has been submitted  in respect of these issues and all other modelling input data to enable the soundness of the analysis to be verified. Therefore, the applicant has failed to demonstrate that the proposed development includes satisfactory provision for access from the public highway, car parking and servicing. The site is located at a critical point on the strategic highway network where the existing junction is frequently operating at capacity. The development would therefore be prejudicial to highway capacity and safety.
The proposed development is, therefore, contrary to Policies T1, T3, T5, T16, T24 and T26 of the adopted Bath and North East Somerset Local Plan, including minerals and waste policies and paragraph 32 of the NPPF and having regard to additional developments already committed in this part of Bath

 3 The proposed development is not in accordance with the requirements of the sequential approach to development contrary to the Bath and North East Somerset adopted Local Plan Policy S4, Joint Replacement Structure Plan Policy 40, Regional Planning Guidance Policy EC6 and paragraphs 24 and 27 of the NPPF. The development would as a result generate unsustainable travel patterns contrary to paragraph 30 and 32 of the NPPF and be harmful to the Council's retail strategy.

 4 The proposed development would give rise to an unacceptable and significant adverse  impact on the vitality and viability of the Moorland Road District Shopping Centre contrary to Policies S1 and S4, of the adopted Bath and North East Somerset Local Plan, Joint Replacement Structure Plan Policies 40 and 41 and Regional Planning Guidance Policy EC6 and paragraph 27 of the NPPF.

It has been agreed that the appeal should be dealt with at an Inquiry and you will be notified of the date of the Inquiry in due course.

Details of the appeal are available for inspection on planning pages of the Councils website  If you do not have access to the internet, you can use the self-service computers at all Council Connect Offices.  They are available at The One Stop Shop, 3-4 Manvers Street in Bath, Riverside in Keynsham and The Hollies in Midsomer Norton.

Electronic booklets entitled 'Guide to Taking Part in Planning Appeals' are also available for download on the Council’s website.  Alternatively, you can access these documents via the Planning Inspectorate website at  Should you not have access to the internet you can obtain these booklets from any of the Council Connect Offices as listed above or by telephone on 01225 394041.

Any comments made in respect of the original application for development will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate, and taken into account by the Inspector deciding the appeal.

The Planning Inspectorate has introduced an online appeals service which you can view details of the appeal and use to make further comments on this appeal. You can find the service through the Appeals area of the Planning Portal – see The Inspectorate may publish details of your comments, on the internet (on the Appeals area of the Planning Portal). Your comments may include your name, address, email address or phone number, Please ensure that you only provide information, including personal information belonging to you that you are happy will be made available to others in this way. If you supply information belonging to a third party please ensure you have their permission to do so. More detailed information about data protection and privacy matters is available on the Planning Portal.  Alternatively, you can also comment in writing to The Planning Inspectorate, 3/02 Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN (please provide 3 copies) quoting the Inspectorate’s Appeal Reference: APP/F0114/A/13/2191952.

The Planning Inspectorate must receive representations by the 19 April 2013 or they will not normally be seen by the Inspector and will be returned.

Appeals and Enforcement Team
Planning Services

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Take part in history - comment on Victoria Bridge proposals

Sarah & Sharon at Victoria Bridge
Residents are being invited by Bath & North East Somerset Council to view and comment upon the proposals for the refurbishment of Victoria Bridge and proposals for the replacement of the Destructor Bridge until 24th March 2013.

The plans follow the Council approving its budget which approved funding that took the investment in Victoria Bridge to £3.4 million.

They are being displayed as part of an exhibition at the Museum of Bath at Work on celebrated engineer and designer of the bridge, James Dredge.

Extensive research by the Council into the history of Victoria Bridge, including the life and work of James Dredge will present many historical illustrations of the bridge rarely seen at the Museum of Bath at Work, Julian Road alongside the designs. The research has helped shape the refurbishment which takes into account the heritage of the bridge.

The engineering expertise of the past is shaping the future refurbishment of this important bridge. Bath & North East Somerset Council has delved into history to support our aims of making the city more appealing for people on foot and who use bicycles.

Victoria Bridge is a vital connection between communities on either side of the River Avon. It supports sustainable travel to Bath Riverside that in the coming years will support thousands of new homes and jobs for local people.

The structure has a high heritage value which played a significant part in the story of the city’s industrial development and advanced bridge engineering through the Victorian era. The exhibition is a unique opportunity for people to explore history and have their say on these multi-million pound projects.

Get involved – exhibition details
The Victoria Bridge Exhibition, including proposals for the replacement of Destructor Bridge with a two way traffic bridge with pedestrian and cycle ways is open Friday to Sunday only, 10.30am – 5pm. Anyone who cannot attend the exhibition can view the plans online at

 Although the opportunity to comment closes on 24th March, the exhibition continues until May 23rd – more details at

Energy efficient Open House now open for all

The Winter Warmth Club scheme run by Bath & North East Somerset Council is providing an Open House for people to learn more about saving energy in their homes and reducing their fuel bills.
The Open House, which is being provided by Curo Group for the month, coincides with Bath Green Homes 2013. Energy saving experts will be on hand to provide top tips on:
  • Setting central heating controls efficiently;
  • Practical measures to address condensation and damp;
  • Low energy lighting options;
  • Taking accurate meter readings;
  • Picking the right insulation and right appliance for your home to save energy and money.
Anybody can drop-in to 56, The Hollow, Twerton, BA2 1LZ on Tuesdays from 3pm – 7pm, and Wednesday to Saturday, 10am – 2pm, from 12th March 2013 to 14th April. The Open House will also be open on both Saturday and Sunday the 13th and 14th April for Green Homes weekend.

 The Open House is available to anyone wanting to take practical steps to stay warm, cut their bills, and reduce their carbon footprint. Bath & North East Somerset Council has received a very positive response to the Winter Warmth Club so far, and the Open House will build upon this success by being proactive about warmth awareness in the heart of a local community.

The project is managed on behalf of the Council by the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) in partnership with West of England Care and Repair, British Red Cross, Age UK and social housing provider Curo.

Find out more
Full details about the service are available on the Council website or by calling the Home Energy Team free on 0800 0822234.

More information about Bath Green Homes can be found at or calling 01225 477528.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Offencive graffitti still a problem

I have asked for the offencive graffiti on the garage at the top of Bellotts Road to be removed as soon as possible.

I am aware that this has been reported before and this is another attempt to get it cleared.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Friday, 8 March 2013

Litter picking Bellotts Road to Brook Road

Litter picking yesterday
I spent nearly 3 hours clearing the litter from alongside the Cemetery at Bellotts Road and along the back path by the railway to Brook Road.

one of the bags I collected
I collected two very full bags, why people have to drop so much litter I do not know.

Please dont dump here

I have reported more fly tipping at Loxton Drive and have asked for it to be removed as soon as possible.

It is very clear that this is being deliberately dumped by some person or persons if you know who it is please let us know.

I hope that the mess is cleared quickly.

by Cllr Sharon Ball

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Thank you Residents

I have just come in from talking with residents of Albert Road & Burnham Road with Sarah Moore, and other local Lib Dem Members.

The main talk tonight was of when Lidl will open a store at the former Herman Miller Site on the Lower Bristol Road

I have been in talks with Lidl again in the last few weeks and hope to be able to let local residents have some good news in the near future.

We are also investigating why it is so dark at the top of Inverness road and are asking for some more lighting at the back of Burnham Road.

There is also an issue of a Caravan that is being used in the area that should not be there.

by Cllr Sharon Ball

Relief in sight for Local residents

Westmoreland residents can feel a sigh of relief as the council approves its core Strategy.

The Bath Press site that has been subject to a Tesco hypermarket planning application has had its designation changed in the emerging Core Strategy to a site of mixed development with an allocation for over 100 new homes.

"This element of the Core Strategy makes a huge hypermarket on the Bath Press site very unlikely says Westmoreland ward councillor Sharon Ball, but it still leaves room for a modest size store that would be more in keeping with the area".

The Core strategy was approved by a full Council of Bath & North East Somerset on Monday night that included housing growth figures of 12,700 new homes to be built by 2029, with an element of over 3,000 affordable homes.

Local Liberal Democrat campaigner Sarah Moore said: "I have always thought that there was a need for a modest store on this side of the City and the Core strategy helps to deliver this".

The Core Strategy is now out for consultation and if you want to read more and make a comment then follow this link. Core Strategy

Sarah Moore's speech in favour of the core strategy can be found here.

 I would like to urge the council to all vote for the core strategy proposed this evening.

BANES is in desperate need of more affordable family and social housing, far too many of my family and friends have been forced to move out of the area due to high housing costs.

My family tree can be traced back to the early 1700's in the BANES area, but if you do not act soon,  feel there will be no family homes for my children to afford .

The high prices on one side of the city coupled with the significant number of HMO's on the other has limited the options for far too long and will only get worse.

You need to reduce the number of properties able to become HMO's sooner rather than later and allow for more affordable homes to be built.

If large companies such as Tesco and Sainsbury were to reduce their footprint for stores in the area there would be more room for affordable houses to be built, enabling lower paid residents the opportunity of owning their own home.

Finally, I would like to congratulate all councillors and council staff that took part in the bath half yesterday and also the council employees who managed to get the route clean and open so quickly.

Westmoreland February Focus

Here published in electronic format is a copy of the Westmoreland Focus for February.Watch out for the March version popping through your letter box any day now.

We want our bin back

I have complained to the council that the heavily used litter bin on the path between King Georges Road is missing and just its broken base left behind.

I have asked that the bin is returned as soon as possible as before i have always had to complain how full it was and we do not want all that litter over the floor.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Fence must come Down

A Fence that has badly affected residents at Lymore Ave must come down says a government inspector upholding an enforcement order made by Bath & North East Somerset Council.

The Fence erected by developers when new new homes were erected at Lymore Yard several years ago.

I visited the site and reported the issue to the councils enforcement team who took action to remedy the matter, now it seems that the long suffering residents will at last get some very important light back into their homes.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Mooreland Road Flower displays

I am pleased that despite budget constraints this year that much of the wonderful flower display that we have in Mooreland Road is to be retained.

The Council will this year be providing 16 hanging baskets on double headed poles.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Planning appeal turned down

A planning appeal has been turned down for 11 Ayr Street to install dormer Windows at the property.

If you want to look at what the appeal inspector said then please follow this link.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Brook Road build out at last

Sarah & Sharon inspect new build out
After first requesting a build out at Brook Road over six years ago I am delighted to see the build out going in.

I do think that this will stop some lorries mistakenly going up Brook Road against the weight limit.

Those that still go up will be deliberately ignoring the signs.

By Cllr Sharon Ball