Thursday, 14 March 2013

Good meeting with Residents Southview Road

I would like to say a big thank you to all of the residents of Southview Road who greeted Sarah Moore and me with such warmth last night.

Many issues were raised and we will be reporting back to individual residents over the coming week on matters that they have raised.

It was also good to be able to clarify the position on the Bath Press site that has now had its designation changed in the councils Core Strategy to a site for mixed use development with 100 houses of which 30% would be affordable homes and a moderate size supermarket, we are glad we lobbied for this change.

It was also noted that Tesco has raised an appeal over the refusal of the council to grant it permission for a hypermarket on the Bath Press site and any residents with and opinion should still write to the Planning inspector who's details are listed on a previous entry on this web site.

By Councillor Sharon Ball