The Open House, which is being provided by Curo Group for the month, coincides with Bath Green Homes 2013. Energy saving experts will be on hand to provide top tips on:
- Setting central heating controls efficiently;
- Practical measures to address condensation and damp;
- Low energy lighting options;
- Taking accurate meter readings;
- Picking the right insulation and right appliance for your home to save energy and money.
The Open House is available to anyone wanting to take practical steps to stay warm, cut their bills, and reduce their carbon footprint. Bath & North East Somerset Council has received a very positive response to the Winter Warmth Club so far, and the Open House will build upon this success by being proactive about warmth awareness in the heart of a local community.
The project is managed on behalf of the Council by the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) in partnership with West of England Care and Repair, British Red Cross, Age UK and social housing provider Curo.
Find out more
Full details about the service are available on the Council website or by calling the Home Energy Team free on 0800 0822234.
More information about Bath Green Homes can be found at or calling 01225 477528.