Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Lidl ( another step forward )

The prospect of a Lidl store in Bath has taken another significant step forward to day with Bath & North East Somerset Council announcing proposals for the closure of Fieldings Road for a period of up to six months to allow road alterations.

The closure will also allow a period for construction to take place.

The closure will be from 27th May 2014 as advertised in the statement below.



Notice is given that Bath and North East Somerset Council in exercise of its powers under section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 intends to make an orderthe effect of which will be to temporarily introduce road closure in that length ofFielding’s Road, Bath extending from its junction with Lower Bristol Road for its entirety.

This order is required because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the road to facilitate highway reconstruction for retail development in the carriageway and will be operative on 27th May 2014 for a maximum period of sixmonths. The road will only be restricted as and when traffic signs are in position andmay not be effected for the whole of the period but only for so long as is necessary to execute the worksThis is anticipated to be for three months.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Brook Road Rubbish

We have complained about the state of Brook Road after a recent refuse collection in the street where
food waste was scattered over the pavements after being put out in general rubbish bags and not in the black food recycling bins.

We have asked that a leaflet drop is carried out in this street reminding residents of the need to keep food waste secure otherwise it is an easy target for Gulls in the area.

Please ask your neighbour if see them not recycling properly not to put food waste out as easy food for Gulls.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

The Hollow

We have contacted the cabinet member to request the bin that has been placed at the bottom of The Hollow/top of Lansdown View is moved.

We have requested this bin is placed next to the bus stop, close to the shop, this will hopefully help to reduce the amount of litter that is dropped in this location and also the large amount of litter that regularly accumulates at the entrance to The Brickfields.

We will keep you updated on progress with this request.

Sarah Moore

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Coronation Avenue

We have requested the dangerous potholes spread at various locations on Coronation Avenue are repaired as soon as possible.

We are keen to get all the roads around the area back to a safe condition, if you are aware of any issues in your street that we have not yet reported, please let us know and we will request these are looked at as soon as possible.

Sarah Moore

Friday, 25 April 2014

Inverness Road

We are following up a few incidents with cyclists being abusive to residents on this road.

We were concerned when this road was suggested as a route for cyclists that the road was too narrow and that this sort of conflict may take place.

We would ask that all cyclists that use this route respect the rights of residents privacy and give way as much as possible to residents carrying out their daily routines.

It should be remembered that politeness costs nothing and that fostering good relations is always a good thing.

We hope that now the new bridge is open and the path to Bellotts Road is now complete that there will be less contention on this road.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Caledonian Road.

We have a planning application for the erection of a single storey garden studio to the rear of the property at 48 Caledonian Road
Application reference: 14/01563/FUL received on 01/04/2014
Planning Portal reference: No details

If you would like to view the application or make any comments then please follow the link below.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Vernon Park - Litter

Following the waste collections yesterday, a large amount of litter was left through Vernon Park.

Councillor Sharon Ball and I have cleared this and have also reported the lack of collection of the recycling and requested this is picked up as soon as possible.

Sarah Moore

Denmark Road

We have a planning application for the erection of a ground and first floor rear extension with internal alterations at 29 Denmark Road

Application reference: 14/01484/FUL received on 31/03/2014
Planning Portal reference: PP-03288312

If you would like to view the application or make any comments then please follow this link.

King George's Road

Following recent communications from Curo, a number of residents had left unwanted large items out around the estate, which were supposed to be removed yesterday.

Whilst Councillor Sharon Ball and I were out talking with residents this evening, we were alerted to the fact that Curo had not collected a large amount of the waste.

We will contact Curo immediately this morning to request all remaining rubbish is collected and disposed of.

Sarah Moore

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Claude Ave

The new ramp to bring cyclists and pedestrians from the Linear way to Claude Ave has been delayed until the end of May due to the need to gain proper access to the site for construction works further along the Linear Way.

There is also a need to get the correct landscaping works approved
by the planning department.

We will let you have further details as the become available.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Connecting with residents

Local campaigner Sarah Moore led a team of six people talking  to residents in Dorset Street, Stuart Place, Highland Terrace, Ayr Street.

Lots of conversations took place from residents parking, HMO's and rubbish in gardens.

We have even reported some large pot holes that we observed whilst there.

We will be following up on all the concerns that were raised over the next few days and will reply to individual residents concerned.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

South West Bath Tri Ward Focus

The South West Bath Tri ward Focus is now being delivered through doors in Westmoreland here is a full Colour version for those who do not have theirs yet.

Western Riverside

After a recent meeting with Crest on site we were able to agree the following issues that have been of concern for a while now.

The issue of Riverside safety was raised and we agreed that we would push the council to retain that lifebuoys that are currently in place. Crest have agreed to place a notice on the steps leading to the river warning people of the danger of water that could be in flood.

We again raised the issue of sign-age on the site and are pleased that Crest have provided an additional sign at Hershel Terrace.

Crest have informed us that the rest of the development is going as planned.  

Monday, 14 April 2014

Maybrick Road

We have a planning application for the erection single storey rear extension at 42 Maybrick Road

Application reference: 14/01597/FUL received on 04/04/2014

Planning Portal reference: PP-03302813

If you wish to view the application or make comments then please follow the link below.

42 Maybrick Road, Twerton, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 3PX

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Victoria Buildings

We have an application for external alterations to change signage on shop front. (Regularisation)

Application reference: 14/01185/LBA received on 13/03/2014

Planning Portal reference: PP-03252748

If you wish to view this application or make comments on the application then follow the link below.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Inverness Road

We have a planning application for a change of use from C3 dwelling house to C4 House in Multiple Occupation (HMO).

Application reference: 14/01140/FUL received on 12/03/2014
Planning Portal reference: PP-03248367

If you wish to view this application or to make comments then please follow the link below.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Bus Shelters and Recycling bins

It is good to see the new bus shelters going in along the Lower Bristol Road. These are much better that the previous ones and all have seats.

We have arranged to complemement these arranged to have a new litter bin and two recycling bins placed by the bus stop outside of the former Herman Miller building.

This we hope will help keep down the litter in the area.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Former Unigate yard Rosebery Place

We are led to believe that there are proposals being worked up for a planning application for the former Unigate yard that has been left abandoned at Rosebery place on the Lower Bristol Road.

It seems that after a lull in activity, there is suddenly a lot of interest in all properties along the lower Bristol Road, we are not sure what the latest proposals are for this yard but we will publish details as soon as they are available.

The over riding issue is that it is better that this land is used than left abandoned as it has been.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

New Toucan Crossing operational

The new Toucan crossing on the Lower Bristol Road opposite the former Herman Miller Building is now fully operational and allows both pedestrians an cyclists to cross the Lower Bristol Road in relative safety.

The installation of the new crossing has also included works to make several shared footpaths for both pedestrians and cyclists linking the Linear way to the Riverside Cycle route.

We will monitor the new crossing to ensure that it is being correctly used and also that the shared footpath is not being abused.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Bath Press Site

We understand that there are movements on the Former Bath Press site and that further
announcements will be made about what sort of development is proposed in the near future.

We made it very clear at the time that we thought the the proposed development of the Tesco store and its size was far too big for the area and it seems that the Government inspector agreed with us.

The Councils Core strategy has 100 houses allocated on this site and this must form part of any new application.

We believe that the site is quite capable of taking this amount of housing as well as business units and may be even a small store.

The information will be out in the next few weeks but by the information that we are receiving we do not think we are far off the mark with any new planning application for this site.

We will publish any further information as soon as we have it.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Bellotts Road (Linear Way)

We are pleased to see the  completion of the Linear Way at the bottom of Bellotts Road that with the new bridge at the top of Bellotts Road make this route complete.

We will be watching however to ensure that this route is safely used and have agreement that speed with be monitored.

This will hopefully reduce the impact of Cyclists on the very Narrow Inverness Road.