Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Linear Way

We are pleased that the council have followed up on our request and cut the grass along the Linear Way.

Apparently with the building of the new bridge at Millmead Road no one ha taken into account how to get onto the Linear Way with the grass cutting machinery that is rather large after the entrance was closed off by the new Bridge.

They have now used the route not site across Curo land that I suggested to them.

As it is always said more haste less speed, and I cant believe that members of the Two Tunnels steering group missed this one.

We have also requested that signs are put up reminding walkers that dogs should be on leads.

By Councillor Sharon Ball

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Police on Wheels

As a change from the Norm it is good to see our local beat Policeman Adge Secker on two wheels.

Adge believes that this is better than riding around in a Police Car as he is in more direct contact with residents.

On another point that we would make is that the criminals cannot see him coming and with any luck he will be able to catch a few more.

By Councillor Sharon Ball

Monday, 29 July 2013

Placemaking Consultation

Local people are being invited by Bath & North East Somerset Council to have their say on what the future of development should look like across the district through the Placemaking Plan.
A consultation started on 25th July 2013 and will continue until Friday 20th September. Key questions are being posed by the Launch Document, such as:
  • How should sites relate to the surrounding environment and communities?
  • How should new streets and spaces be connected to existing ones?
  • What mixture of homes and jobs should be provided on which sites?
  • What important views should be protected?
  • How should we manage the changing nature of retailing?
  • How do we ensure more low carbon development?
  • How do we safeguard our high quality environments, and ensure high quality design?
The main purpose of the Launch Document is to spark debate and discussion about these detailed planning issues. The feedback from the consultation will be used to inform further preparation of the Placemaking Plan. A series of events will take place Autumn onwards as part of this stage.
The consultation does not cover the potential new areas of housing adjacent to Bath, Keynsham and south east Bristol at Whitchurch.
Get involved today
The Placemaking Plan Launch Document and comments form are available on the Council’s website   
They can also be viewed at the following locations during opening hours:
  • Council offices
  • The One Stop Shop, Manvers Street, Bath, BA1 1JG;
  • The Hollies, Midsomer Norton, Bath, BA3 2DP;
  • Riverside, Temple Street, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1LA;
  • At all public libraries in the District, including the mobile library service.
How is this related to the Core Strategy?
The Placemaking Plan sets out the detailed development site principles and other policies for managing development within the context of the Core Strategy. It is being progressed at the same time as the Core Strategy to ensure a robust set of planning policies are in place as soon as possible.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Are you registered to vote?

Everyone over the age of 18 is entitled to vote in UK elections and referendums.  However, you need to be registered on the electoral role at your address to vote.

There are 3 ways you can choose to vote, for more information follow this useful link.

We all lead very busy lives so why not take the opportunity to register to vote by post.  This will mean you can complete your ballot papers and return to your local authority without the need to visit a polling station on the day of the election.

Sarah Moore

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Community Clear up - update

Last Saturday, 20th July a group of Liberal Democrat Councillors, our MP Don Foster and local activists and residents spent a couple of hours clearing litter and rubbish from around the Brickfields area.

Above is a picture of some of us, with some of the waste that was collected. 

Councillor Sharon Ball and I go out and about around the Westmoreland ward every Saturday clearing litter on the streets, to help keep the area tidy.  You are welcome to come and join us at any time, if you would like to help do get in touch.

We also arrange regular larger scale group litter picks throughout the South West of Bath.


Sarah Moore 

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Lymore Gardens Play area

Following several meetings and a number of emails, we are pleased to confirm BANES parks team have allocated funds for work on the Lymore Gardens play area.

This financial year will see equipment replaced, repaired and repainted as well as moving the bench and replacing the bark. 

This will mean all play areas in the Westmoreland area will be refreshed this year.

Sarah Moore

Monday, 22 July 2013

Claude Ave Connection to Linear way brought forward.

Some good news that has come out of the Liberal Democrat administration on Bath & North East Somerset Council is that the Claude Ave ramp has moved ahead of other matters on the Linear Way and will be completed by the end of March 2014.

This means that Cyclists and Children going to the local School at Lymore Terrace will be able to use the Linear way and come off at Claude Ave.

It is really good news for the many Children who come from the Twerton and Oldfield Park area that they will now have a safer route to School.

Many thanks to the Council and Sustrans for making this possible.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Bath City FC Charity football match BBC Radio Bristol & Somerset XI Vs Curo Housing XI

Mayday Trust Park – gates open from 12 noon
Sunday 21st July 2013
KO 1pm
Cost: Donation on the day at the ground
Bath City Football Club has teamed up with BBC Radio Bristol & Somerset to raise money for CLIC Sargent with a charity football match on Sunday 21st July.
The main event is a football match between BBC Radio Bristol & Somerset XI vs Curo Housing XI, kicking off at 1pm followed by an auction. The BBC’s team is made up of sports presenters Geoff Twentyman and Richard Hoskin, with a helping hand from former Bristol Rovers striker David Mehew, and Bristol’s television chef Dean Edwards.
The Curo football team play matches against other Social Landlords and Curo Suppliers such as Touchstone Property, Taylor Wimpey and Merlin Housing Society as a Social event mainly. However when Darren Scadding's 3 year old son, George, was Diagnosed with Cancer in June 2012 they looked at raising funds for CLIC Sargent who have provided a support network for the family and worked closely with Bristol Children’s Hospital. After a long battle George passed away on the 15th January 2013 and so a fund was set up in his name, where they have currently £6.5k and their target of £10k.
The money raised will go to charity very close to the staff at Curo. CLIC Sargent is the UK’s leading cancer charity for children and young people, and their families. They provide clinical, practical and emotional support to help them cope with cancer and get the most out of life. Kiren Fernandes, Fundraising Manger said “Since setting up Georgie’s Fund Darren and his family have raised almost £6,000 – which is absolutely fantastic! The money raised to date could fund a CLIC Sargent social worker for 8 weeks for families based in Bristol and Somerset. Our CLIC Sargent social workers are there from the moment of diagnosis, and help families understand and cope with the emotional, practical and financial effects of cancer, through treatment and even in the case of bereavement”. Darren commented on the work CLIC Sargent do, “everybody at Curo and CLIC Sargent have been supportive to me”. For those who can’t attend the day but want to donate to this great cause can do so online at just remember to include gift aid to help raise even more money.
Gates will open at 12 noon with a large car park at the ground, with food and drink available in the Charlies (main bar) with a burger outlet inside the ground. After the game in Charlies there will be chance to mix with the players and representatives of the charities followed by an auction.
Further information about the event please contact:
Mark Tanner

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Community Clear Up

Got a few hours to spare this morning then if you have why not come and join us at the Brickfields (Lymore ave Playing fields) where we will be having a community clear up.

Sarah Moore and I carry out many litter picks where we find a hot spot we just clear it.

picture from a recent litter pick on Lower Bristol Road
This morning we have recruited more help as this looks to be a bit of a bigger job and we also need your help if you area able.

The Picture opposite is from a recent litter pick on the Lower Bristol Road, we expect at least the same amount if not more litter this morning.

By Councillor Sharon Ball

Friday, 19 July 2013

Road Safety

I have asked that the white lines and yellow lines at these junctions of Moorland Road and Crandale road are repainted as well as many of the Double yellow lines in the Triangle itself.

If the lines are worn out they are not enforceable and can cause a danger in the area.

by Councillor Sharon Ball

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Polamco Planning Concent

We are pleased that Polamco on the Lower Bristol Road have been granted planning permission for their extension.

The granting of the planning permission means a new four story office block will now be able to be built alongside the factory works allowing for production to be able to take place in some of the current office area.

Polamco are a very important local employer and it is very good to be able to protect local employment.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Cycle Route Update

We are pleased to confirm that during last night's cabinet meeting the Liberal Democrat administration voted unananimously to accept the proposals to complete the remaining northern section of the 2 tunnels route, to provide a northern link to the Riverside Path and a local link to Claude Avenue. 

This means a ramp from the cycle path up to Claude Avenue, by Bridge Road can be implemented (subject to planning conditions being met)  making a safer cycling route to school for a large number of pupils.  Which will be funded by the LSTF WEST project.


Sustrans under licence to Network Rail will re-open the disused Somerset and Dorset Railway bridge at the top of Bellotts Road for pedestrians and cyclists on a temporary basis until the bridge is replaced as part of the mainline rail electrification works planned from 2015The Council will look to enter into agreements with Network Rail for the adoption and maintenance of a new replacement foot/cycle bridge.

Subject to agreement with Sustrans and DfT’s Linking to Communities grant being accepted to complete the remaining off road section on Council land through the northern section of Linear Park, with the works to upgrade the existing permissive footpath to a permissive cycle track for use by pedestrians and cyclists to be constructed between the disused Somerset and Dorset Railway Bridge and Bellotts Road.

The link to the council paper is here

If you have any questions about this or other issues in the areas, please get in touch with us.

by Sarah Moore

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Sainsbury's Planning Application

Sainsbury's have submitted a planning application to build a new superstore near to their existing store in Bath.

They are proposing to move from their existing site to the neighbouring Homebase site and build a store that would fill the entire area, including the trade park area/

Their proposal is to put a 5 storey building on the site, which would include a roof top car park that could hold 847 vehicles an increase of 389 over their existing car park, together with office space, additional retail outlets, Cafes and approximately 280 homes.

The planning application can be viewed by clicking this link to the Application.

It is important that you make your views known before the deadline which is 22nd July.  You can do this by either completing the on-line form at the above link or by emailing or writing to the case officer:

Daniel Stone
Bath & North East Somerset Council
Planning Services
PO Box 5006

Make sure any correspondence you send contain the planning application reference number: 13/00983/EFUL.

If you have any queries you could like to discuss before you submit your comments or would like any help in doing this, please feel free to contact us to discuss this.

Sarah Moore

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Ward Surgeries

 Thank you to all the residents that took the time to come and see us last Saturday (6th July).  

We are pleased you are happy with our new monthly surgeries and the fact that we are moving them around the ward to ensure all residents have the opportunity to come and see us.

We would also be happy to come to you should you have any issues you wish to discuss.  Please get in touch with us if we can help in any way.

Our next ward surgery is scheduled for Saturday 3rd August between 1pm and 2pm.  Feel free to come along and see us.


Sarah Moore

Monday, 8 July 2013

Loxton Drive clear up

We spent a couple of hours talking with residents and clearing up the large amount of litter around Loxton Drive, Lansdown View and Priddy Close.

We will be out every Saturday in different areas of Westmoreland Litter picking and talking to residents.

Each week will depend on the state of the areas as we will be targeting the roads most in need. If you want to join us, please get in touch and we will let you know where we will be.

Sarah Moore

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Major Road Works Windsor Bridge

Major Road improvement works start on Windsor Bridge as of 8th July 2013 creating improved junctions and the ability to cope with increased traffic flows.
Windsor Bridge will also be closed overnight to vehicles for a number of weeks; dates and times of closures will available on a week-by-week basis and be indicated on local signage.
 The work will include a combination of day and night working.
I have attached a web link of the Frequently Asked Questions 

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Residents surgery Saturday 6th July

Councillor Sharon Ball & Sarah Moore will be holding another of their hugely popular residents surgeries again this Saturday.

The surgery will take place at Charlton court student block on the Lower Bristol Road from 1pm till 3pm on 6th July and there is no appointment needed.

So for Westmoreland residents who want to talk to us on various local issues or simply need a little help or advice then pop in an see us.

Sharon said: "There are many issues in our area that residents may want to discuss like the planning appeal for Tesco or the Sainsbury's planning application, whatever it is we are happy to talk about it."

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Traffic and Parking in Westmoreland

Sharon and I spent some time this afternoon with an officer from BANES Highways team looking at and discussing traffic and parking issues around Westmoreland.

There are a number of roads where the junctions are extremely unsafe due to parking on the corners and close to the corners.

We have asked the officer to look at traffic restrictions in the following areas:

  • South Avenue/Maybrick Road Junction
  • South Avenue/Mayfield Road Junction
  • Bellotts Road
  • Inverness Road
  • Burnham Road
We have also discussed ways to monitor and reduce speeding cars around the area.

We will keep residents informed of progress, however, if you have similar issues where you live, please get in touch with us.

Sarah Moore

HMO' Article 4 Directive

The much talked about Article 4 Direction triggering the need for planning permission for change of use between a dwelling house (C3) and a House in Multiple Occupation (C4) anywhere within the City of Bath has now been confirmed.

The Houses in Multiple Occupation in Bath Supplementary Planning Document was adopted on Monday 1st July ; this will be used to detail how the new planning applications will be determined.

Both the Article 4 and SPD will be effective from Monday 1st July 2013.

Please note: This Article 4 will now appear on local land charges when a property is being purchased. There is no charge to the public for a change of use application triggered by this Article 4 Direction, as this has been brought in at the Council’s discretion and as such we are unable to charge a fee.

Please find full details online: