Thursday, 11 July 2013

Cycle Route Update

We are pleased to confirm that during last night's cabinet meeting the Liberal Democrat administration voted unananimously to accept the proposals to complete the remaining northern section of the 2 tunnels route, to provide a northern link to the Riverside Path and a local link to Claude Avenue. 

This means a ramp from the cycle path up to Claude Avenue, by Bridge Road can be implemented (subject to planning conditions being met)  making a safer cycling route to school for a large number of pupils.  Which will be funded by the LSTF WEST project.


Sustrans under licence to Network Rail will re-open the disused Somerset and Dorset Railway bridge at the top of Bellotts Road for pedestrians and cyclists on a temporary basis until the bridge is replaced as part of the mainline rail electrification works planned from 2015The Council will look to enter into agreements with Network Rail for the adoption and maintenance of a new replacement foot/cycle bridge.

Subject to agreement with Sustrans and DfT’s Linking to Communities grant being accepted to complete the remaining off road section on Council land through the northern section of Linear Park, with the works to upgrade the existing permissive footpath to a permissive cycle track for use by pedestrians and cyclists to be constructed between the disused Somerset and Dorset Railway Bridge and Bellotts Road.

The link to the council paper is here

If you have any questions about this or other issues in the areas, please get in touch with us.

by Sarah Moore