Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Sainsbury's Planning Application

Sainsbury's have submitted a planning application to build a new superstore near to their existing store in Bath.

They are proposing to move from their existing site to the neighbouring Homebase site and build a store that would fill the entire area, including the trade park area/

Their proposal is to put a 5 storey building on the site, which would include a roof top car park that could hold 847 vehicles an increase of 389 over their existing car park, together with office space, additional retail outlets, Cafes and approximately 280 homes.

The planning application can be viewed by clicking this link to the Application.

It is important that you make your views known before the deadline which is 22nd July.  You can do this by either completing the on-line form at the above link or by emailing or writing to the case officer:

Daniel Stone
Bath & North East Somerset Council
Planning Services
PO Box 5006

Make sure any correspondence you send contain the planning application reference number: 13/00983/EFUL.

If you have any queries you could like to discuss before you submit your comments or would like any help in doing this, please feel free to contact us to discuss this.

Sarah Moore