Monday, 29 July 2013

Placemaking Consultation

Local people are being invited by Bath & North East Somerset Council to have their say on what the future of development should look like across the district through the Placemaking Plan.
A consultation started on 25th July 2013 and will continue until Friday 20th September. Key questions are being posed by the Launch Document, such as:
  • How should sites relate to the surrounding environment and communities?
  • How should new streets and spaces be connected to existing ones?
  • What mixture of homes and jobs should be provided on which sites?
  • What important views should be protected?
  • How should we manage the changing nature of retailing?
  • How do we ensure more low carbon development?
  • How do we safeguard our high quality environments, and ensure high quality design?
The main purpose of the Launch Document is to spark debate and discussion about these detailed planning issues. The feedback from the consultation will be used to inform further preparation of the Placemaking Plan. A series of events will take place Autumn onwards as part of this stage.
The consultation does not cover the potential new areas of housing adjacent to Bath, Keynsham and south east Bristol at Whitchurch.
Get involved today
The Placemaking Plan Launch Document and comments form are available on the Council’s website   
They can also be viewed at the following locations during opening hours:
  • Council offices
  • The One Stop Shop, Manvers Street, Bath, BA1 1JG;
  • The Hollies, Midsomer Norton, Bath, BA3 2DP;
  • Riverside, Temple Street, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1LA;
  • At all public libraries in the District, including the mobile library service.
How is this related to the Core Strategy?
The Placemaking Plan sets out the detailed development site principles and other policies for managing development within the context of the Core Strategy. It is being progressed at the same time as the Core Strategy to ensure a robust set of planning policies are in place as soon as possible.