Wednesday, 23 January 2013

New small electrical goods recycling service

Starting on 18th February the council will be collecting small electrical goods on its kerbside collections each ŵeek.

The definition of a small electrical item is an item with a plug or a battery that will fit into a carrier bag.

This is yet another initiative being brought in by our Liberal Democrat Council in order to reduce our  waste disposal costs and increase our recycling rates.

Large electrical goods will not be collected so please don't try to put these out.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Local Ward Surgeries

Councillor Sharon Ball

Sarah Moore

The first Westmoreland Liberal Democrat Residents Surgery of 2013 will be taking place between 1pm and 3pm on Saturday 2nd February at Oldfield Park Baptist Church.

Your Liberal Democrat Councillor Sharon Ball and Local Campaigner Sarah Moore will be joined by Don Foster MP.

Don Foster MP

If you have any issues you would like to discuss, please feel free to come along.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Former Herman Miller Building

The signs of an empty building is that graffiti starts to appear on the outside of the building

I have asked the Graffiti that has started to appear over the past few weeks is removed as soon as possible as well as some of the rubbish that has been recently deposited at the back and the sides.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

King Georges Road

Street Numbering

The Street numbering is now almost complete apart from one big mistake. I am sure that those observant people will have noticed the mistake on the numbering of nos 5 to 8 it has been mistakenly marked as 6 to 8.

I have asked Curo housing who have replaced the signs to correct this as soon as possible.

Blocked Drains

I have asked Bath & North East Somerset Council to clear the blocked drain at the Junction with Lansdown View as soon as possible this drain is completely blocked. If you know of any blocked drains then please contact council connect on 394041 or let us know.


I have asked for the broken Tree and the drain metal cover to be reinstated as soon as possible. If you know who broke this tree or damaged the area then let the Police know by dialling 101, alternatively you could let us know.

By Councillor Sharon Ball

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Westmoreland Focus Januray 2013

The Westmoreland January Focus is here for you to read on line for the first time.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Tesco application Lwr Bristol Road

Cllr Sharon Ball at Bath Press site
The planning application by Tesco to build a new store on the Lwr Bristol Road was turned down by the Councils development control committee on Wednesday 16th January on a 9/4 vote.

The Community surrounding the site are split on their opinion of the proposals by Tesco, In this light we are working to ensure that the feelings of the community are reflected and not just our own.

There are still Major hurdles and problems with this application and we have made it very clear that the present application is not acceptable as there are still Highway, traffic volumes and disbursement issues that have to be addressed.

Other issues that we have brought to the attention of planners and Tesco are the need to ensure that Gulls are unable to nest on their roof space and also the affects on neighbouring shopping centres.

The Gas Tower on Western Riverside is still an obstacle although we realise that Tesco have made an attempt to resolve this issue. 

Only time will tell if Tesco appeal the decision to refuse their application but we are hopeful that they will have listened to ours views as well as those of the community and if they do reapply that they take these views on board.

By Councillor Sharon Ball

Bad Weather Contacts

Please check out these links for advice and local information during the bad weather:


All school closures are listed on the Council Website – follow this link.

Keep updated

Good Neighbours

Please call on elderly or vulnerable neighbours to check whether they need any help with snow clearing , shopping or collecting medication. Elderly and vulnerable people are eligible for a free home warmth check from the Council.

Waste and Recycling Collections

In the event it is not possible for the household waste and recycling collection to take place, please take your bins off the pavement (so they don’t cause an obstruction). Store them and put them out for next week’s collection.

Universities and Colleges

Any campus closures will be announced on the websites of City of Bath CollegeThe University of Bath; and Bath Spa University.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Dartmouth Avenue

We have had a rather damp afternoon clearing a very messy footpath of all the wet decomposing leaves.

Elderly residents in Dartmouth Avenue are now able to safely get to and from their bungalows without slipping.

I have asked BANES and Curo to arrange for the rest of the area to be totally cleared to help all the other residents.


Sarah Moore

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Thanks to residents of Ivy Ave

Sarah Moore and I would like to say thank you to the residents of Ivy Ave and Ivy Place for the warm welcome that they gave us when we called on them in the bitter cold tonight.

Many residents raised questions on the new HMO policies and we will respond to them in detail in the next few days as well as the many other enquiries that we have had on various topics.

If we have missed you and you want us to call back then please contact us.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Midland Road

I came across this on my way to work this morning and have asked BANES to arrange for it to be safely re-fixed to the pavement

by Sarah Moore

Dartmouth Avenue

While walking around the area yesterday, I noticed a large amount of litter on the footpath and a large number of the drains blocked with dead leaves and litter.

I have requested BANES get this cleared up as soon as possible.

I have also asked Sainsburys to collect their abandoned trolley.

by Sarah Moore

Rate your rental

Bath Students Union have launched a new survey amongst its students asking them to rate the properties that they are living in off campus.

This is a positive step from the students which we would like to encourage.

They state

Campaigning for improved standards to all student accommodation is one of the Students' Union's Top 10 2012-13.

Second years and above! We want to give you, the students, the opportunity to give feedback in this area by running our first ever 'Rate your rental' survey!

The Students’ Union is carrying out this survey to hear about your experiences with your accommodation off campus.

If you are a Student and want to take part in the survey then please follow this link.

Number 10 Bus Route

I have written to First Bus asking them to ensure that the Number 10 Bus that stops by the Trowbridge House on Coronation Ave in the Outbound direction actually uses the new Bus Stop with the new build outs.

It seems from complaints that I have received that the bus has been stopping at the Old Bus Stop, I hope that this will soon be resolved and that First Deals with the complaint quickly.

Cracked retaining walls

I have asked Curo to look at Several retaining walls in Priddy Close to ensure that they are safe and that any repairs required are carried out.

I am not looking to be alarmist but with all the rain that we have had in the past few months it is better that we have these checked.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Litter an Leaves Priddy Close

I have asked the council and Curo to again remove the litter that is accumulating at Priddy Close.

I have also asked that a brush is taken to the steps in this area to remove the leaves that are so dangerous in the wet weather.

If you know of another area with the same problem then please either let us know or contact council connect on 394041.

By Councillor Sharon Ball

Caravan & Trailers Priddy Close

I have again asked the Council and Curo (Somer Housing) to remove that Caravan pictured from the car park at Priddy Close.

 I have also asked that there is again a crack down on the amount of trailers that are again taking up valuable parking spaces.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Litter & Rubbish Loxton Drive

behind Albany Road
On a walk around yesterday delivering the Tri Ward Focus i noticed this mess that I have asked the Council and Curo (Somer Housing) to clear up.

behind Albany Rd
I hope that this will be done in the next few days if you are aware of other areas that are a mess please let me know or phone council connect on 394041.

By Cllr Sharon Ball