Thursday, 31 July 2014

King George's Road

Fence at rear of properties on King George's Road

Councillor Sharon Ball and I have been discussing several issues with residents in King George's Road, including this fence that is blocking access to the rear of some properties.

We have been in contact with both Curo and BANES to get the fence repaired, but also to cut back the vegetation behind this fence that has caused it to break in the first place.

We will update you further on progress with this issue as soon as we hear any news.

Sarah Moore

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Brickfields - more good news

Sarah Moore with newly repaired zip wire
We are pleased to confirm that the zip wire on the brickfields has been fully repaired following the vandalism.

There were a number of children playing on this yesterday when we went to take a look and residents are really pleased that it is back in operation.

Sarah Moore

Monday, 28 July 2014

Lidl Site issues - resolved

We are pleased to confirm that, due to the prompt action by Councillor Sharon Ball and Lidl, the travellers that moved onto the site on Friday evening were moved off this morning, taking less than 48 hours from when we first became aware of their presence.

Lidl will take further action to ensure the site is secure to prevent any more travellers gaining access to the car park area at the rear of the store.

Sarah Moore

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Brickfields Play Area

We are pleased to see that after reporting the burnt and rusted bin on the Brickfields, it has been replaced.

We are keen to ensure the area is kept clean and having usable rubbish bins is vital to this.

If you are aware of any issues with bins in your area, please get in touch.


Sarah Moore

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Issues on Lidl Site

Overnight last night several travellers gained access to the car park area at the rear of the Lidl site via the eastern end of the site that is not owned by Lidl themselves.

We have been in contact with both the police and Lidl this morning who have promised to send representatives over to the site as soon as possible to get this resolved.

We will update you further as soon as we have more details.

Sarah Moore

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Westmoreland Walkabout

A group of us spent a rather wet Saturday out and about in Westmoreland.

We delivered the latest Focus newsletter to a large number of homes and also spoke with a lot of residents about issues they have.

Whilst out we came across a number of issues that we have reported to BANES and requested they are sorted as soon as possible, including waste being left by the side of the road and blocked drains.  We have also asked BANES to urgently repair the previous reported, very large pothole on South View Road, as it is very dangerous.

If you 

Friday, 18 July 2014

Westmoreland Focus July 2014

Latest Westmoreland Focus printed and ready for delivery, look out for your copy coming through the door shortly.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Claude Avenue/Bridge Road Ramp Update

As you can see, the team have "broken through" the wall onto Bridge Road.

This shows the ramp is really progressing now and it will not be too much longer before we will all be able to make use of this additional access onto the Linear Way/Two Tunnels route. Perfect for the summer holidays.

Sarah Moore

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Bath Press Site

We have become aware of a pending planning application on the Bath Press Site for 300 flats and 30,000 square feet of office employment space.

We are led to believe the the front facade is to remain and that all residential accommodation will be at the rear with all parking underground.

We are aware that some of this will alarm some residents so will post full information on line at including a residents consultation.

We will also deliver a paper copy to all affected residents within the next two weeks.

Monday, 14 July 2014

BANES Core Strategy

The Liberal Democrats have welcomed the final adoption of the B&NES Core Strategy, hailing it as good news for the area.

The Core Strategy, which has been in preparation since 2007, was adopted by 40 votes to 21 with Councillors from all parties voting in favour of the strategy.

Councillor Sharon Ball commented “The final adoption of the Core Strategy is good news for our area because it paves the way for homes and jobs to be delivered for local people. Everyone will have heard stories of local people who have been forced to move to Bristol or further afield to find somewhere affordable to live, despite working in Bath. We can’t help solve this problem without building more homes. Local people need homes, services and jobs.”

Lib Dem Campaigner Sarah Moore said The Core Strategy being adopted was the only deal on the table for B&NES.  Without it the council would not have any defence against speculative planning applications on any piece of land throughout the district."

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Westmoreland walk about

Councillor Sharon Ball and I went for a lovely walk around the Westmoreland ward today.  We met and talked with a number of residents.

Whilst out we came across a number of issues, including a large amount of waste shown above that we have reported.

We also picked up 2 bags of litter that had been strewn about on Loxton Drive.

If you have any issues on your street and you think we may be able to help, please do get in touch.

Sarah Moore

Saturday, 5 July 2014


Following reports from residents, we are pleased to confirm that BANES sent a team out this week to fill in the number of dips that have appeared across the Brickfields area, making it safer for people walking their dogs, or wanting to take part in sports on the field.

We have also had confirmation that the zip wire that had been vandalised will be repaired shortly.

Sarah Moore

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Lansdown View - Fly Tipping

Whilst out and about yesterday, I came across this.  Just because they have put a label on it, does not stop it from being fly tipping.

If you have items that you want to give away, that is fine, but you should either leave them in your garden with the note on or, contact local charities who may be interested.

These items are not always taken by passersby and will not be routinely collected with the rubbish (that it has been placed next to).

Please do not leave large items like this out on the street.

Sarah Moore