Wednesday 8 January 2014

Westmoreland Bus Stops

Following recent requests from residents we are pleased to see the Bus Stop opposite Vernon Terrace is finally being altered.  As part of the new bus stop installations throughout the area, the raised pavement is being moved next to the bus shelter, meaning that the queue under the shelter will be in the correct direction, alleviating the confusion over where the front of the queue should be.

We have also asked that the bus stop opposite Argyle Terrace is replaced as soon as possible.  When the pavement alterations were carried out recently, the old bus shelter was removed and the raised pavement has been put in a little further down the road.  

However, the new shelter has not yet been put in place and therefore no sign has been put up to show where the bus stop is.  This has resulted in a number buses not stopping there and residents left not knowing if they have to go to a different stop.

We have requested if a full installation is not possible at the moment that a temporary bus stop sign is put in place urgently to ensure residents are confident the buses will stop to pick them up.

Sarah Moore