Friday 25 October 2013

King Georges Road Planning application

I have raised objections to the planning application to build houses on the former allotment site at King Georges Road.

The Objection that I have raised is as follows:

I would to raise an objection to the planning application on the grounds of over development of the site as I believe that their are too many houses being crammed into a very small site.

I have gone through the National Policy Framework quite closely and it is clear that development is normally permitted in these sort of schemes as most of our planning policies are set aside at the moment the guidelines of the NPPF apply as we do not have a current adopted local plan.

I would still however ask you to take into account the small site that is close to a railway track that by the looks of the layout has at least 5 to many properties on the site making it overdeveloped.

The affects on the Junction with Lansdown view would also have highway concerns and should not be permitted without works being carried to mitigate the extra traffic that is being created.

So in short I am objecting to the current application.

By Councillor Sharon Ball