Friday, 31 August 2012

Lymore Avenue

While out this evening, I noticed BANES have lowered the kerbs at the junction of Lymore Avenue and Claude Avenue, making it easier for pedestrians with pushchairs or wheelchairs to cross.

Shame they only thought it necessary to put tactile paving slabs on one side of the road, making it rather unsafe for blind and partially sighted people when they approach the edge of the pavement.

I have requested this is rectified as soon as possible as it is health and safety issue.

Sarah Moore

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Brook Road Planning application

A new planning application has been registered for the the address below to make any comments or to view the application please click on the link below.

Erection of a single storey rear extension with balcony.
Application reference: 12/03618/FUL received on 20/08/2012
Planning Portal reference: PP-02140683

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Litter Bin Linear Way

I have asked for this broken litter bin on the path between King Georges Road & Ringwood Road to be replaced as you can clearly see it is broken off from its base.

I am hopeful that the bin will be replaced with a more robust style of bin as these ones seem to easily rot out.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Weekend Walkabout

I decided to go for a walk around Westmoreland this afternoon.  On my travels, I found an abandoned Supermarket trolley, which I have requested Sainsbury's go out and collect as well as a pile of rubbish left by the side of the road, which I have reported to BANES.

There is also a number of houses around the ward that have decided Sunday is a good day to put out their rubbish - I have reported these as well!!

Please make sure you do not put any rubbish out for collection until after 7pm the evening before your collections are due at the earliest.  If you are unsure which day your collections are due, please check out the BANES website.

Sarah Moore

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Free adult cycle lessons available now

Inspired by the Team GB Olympic Cycling Team? Now is your chance to improve your cycling skills through free adult cycle training funded by Bath & North East Somerset Council, NHS Bath & North East Somerset and provided by Cycling Instructor.

The training is available for people who live, work, or study in the district. Approximately 120 spaces are available on a first come, first served basis for a free two hour session. Lessons take place seven days a week.

The sessions can cover the complete beginner, help people to ride confidently and safely with their children, and support commuters to tackle busier roads and junctions.

Book your lesson today

After people have booked, the instructor will contact them to arrange a mutually convenient time, date and location for the training. Book via:


Call: 0845 6520421


By Cllr Sharon Ball

Ivy Ave Planning application

If you want to comment please follow the link below
Provision of rear dormer.
Application reference: 12/03237/FUL received on 25/07/2012
Planning Portal reference: PP-02102313

by Cllr Sharon Ball

Mcdonalds Planning applications

Mcdonalds on the Lower Bristol Road have put in two planning applications.

Refurbishment of restaurant and patio area including associated works to the site and installation of new doors
Application reference: 12/03505/FUL received on 10/08/2012
Planning Portal reference: PP-02119825

Display of 5no internally-illuminated fascia signs
Application reference: 12/03506/AR received on 10/08/2012
Planning Portal reference: PP-02119825

follow the links to view the applications or make comments.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Curo Anti Social Behaviour Hot Line

Curo ( Somer ) have set up a free phone number Anti Social Behaviour Hot Line for their tenants and their neighbour's for reporting Anti Social Behaviour about a Curo property.

This phone number is available 24 hours a day and the number is 0800 075 69 69

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Residents back council proposals on HMO's

Overwhelming public support has been received by Bath & North East Somerset Council in response to its first formal consultation on measures to better control the growth of Houses in Multiple Occupation in Bath.

Over 200 letters of support from local residents, mainly in the wards of Westmoreland, Oldfield Park and Widcombe have been received by the Council urging them to proceed with work to bring in additional controls over HMOs in the City by implementing the Article 4 Direction next year and to bring in new licencing requirements for small HMO properties.

Key concerns raised by local residents about HMOs included:

*   Impact of large numbers of HMOs on mixed communities;
*   Litter and waste management;
*   Noise and anti-social behaviour;
*   Unkempt gardens and properties in poor upkeep;
*   On street parking pressures;
*   Families being priced out by “buy to let” market.

The Council intends to introduce planning restrictions which will see planning permission required for future changes of use from family houses into small HMOs across the City from 1st July 2013. It is also proposing that HMO landlords in areas with a large number of HMOs should be required to apply for a licence to help curb management and housing quality issues.

Next steps

Public consultation on the detail of the additional HMO licencing scheme is due to be released in September 2012 for public consultation.

The detail of the planning controls are due to be considered by Cabinet in October and launched for public consultation in October.

A series of briefings and drop-in events open to the public on these HMO controls are planned for October 2012.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

The Brickfields

I have asked the council to arrange to send a team up to not only clear up the increasing litter shrewn down the footpath in this area, but to clear the brambles, weeds and other overgrown vegetation that is taking over the footpath.

Sarah Moore

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

King Georges Road Parking

I have asked Curo (somer) to mark the parking bays in this area as residents parking only.

I have received many complaints over the past twelve months of people who do not live in the area parking up for the day and this is removing the spaces that were reserved for residents when the estate was remodelled over 10 years ago.

by Cllr Sharon Ball