Monday, 30 July 2012

New Basket Ball Hoop up

Sarah Moore & Sharon at the Basketball court
I am pleased to see that the second basketball hoop has been erected at the Lymore Playing Fields.

This hoop has been provided from the councillors initiative fund that I had available to spend in the area.

There is an ever growing group of young people in the area who are using the basket ball court at Lymore Playing Fields and with two hoops in place this will become even more popular.

I am pleased to be able to do something for the young people in the area.

If you know of any other items that a small amount of money will help then please let me know.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Friday, 27 July 2012

Bellotts Road Traffic Issues

Following discussions with some of the residents in Bellotts Road in which they expressed their concerns about the speed of the traffic travelling around the corner by the Cemetary at unacceptably fast speeds I contacted the highways department.

I have received an email from them today confirming that although this area is not an accident hotspot, they will carry out a traffic speed assessment on this corner of the road to establish what the best traffic calming measures are that will help reduce the speed issues and increase safety for all residents and which could be implemented as soon as funding has been identified.

I will continue to push this matter and I will update you as soon as we have further news on the outcome of this assessment.

Sarah Moore

Lidl Lower Bristol Road

Sharon & Sarah Moore on site
I have had a very good meeting with Lidl on the Herman Miller site on the Lower Bristol Road Last Week.

The meeting was supposed to include Mr Ian Caukwell who owns part of the land who pulled out of the meeting at the last moment and did not turn up despite assurances that he would.

Lidl have restated their determination to deliver a store on the site and I would hope that Mr Caukwell would also show his resolve and allow this development to move forward.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Tesco Planning application

I have made comments on the current Tesco planning application for the Bath Press site.

I have raised my comments as objections as I feel that Tesco have not learnt the lessons from their previous two applications for this site and have virtually just reiterated some of the errors made in the first two applications.

Further drawings and amendments have been submitted by Tesco but I still feel that these do not compensate for some of the issues that I an other residents still have over this proposed development.

The additional papers can be viewed @

my comments

 This application is no different to previous ones in many aspects and ill only concentrate on areas that I have not previously covered.

1) The over domination of traffic on a junction on Brook Rd is overbearing and will not be able to cope with the release of cars from the underground car park.

2) The affects on pollution and increased amount of traffic on the Lower Bristol Road and at Brook Road have not been resolved.

3) The over dominance of the supermarket on this site is against council polices and exceeds the available shopping needs requirements.

4) No work has been carried out to accurately asses the affects that the store would have on the neighbouring Moorland Road.

5) The Health & Safety executive have ruled out development on this site whilst the gas tower remains.

6) There seems to be little work carried out to mitigate the pigeon population that would nest on the roofs.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Ivy Grove

During a walk around the ward this week, I noticed the handrail in Ivy Grove has still not be repaired.  We have attached tape to this rail to ensure people are aware of the danger.

I have again contacted BANES to request this is repaired as soon as possible, as this part of the road is very steep and the handrail is used by a number of people.

Sarah Moore

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Shophouse Road

After years of blogging about this issue I am pleased to see the land at the corner of Shophouse Road is at last being developed into badly needed flats for local people.

It is pleasing that this is now happening as this area has been such a mess for many years now and I have personally spent many an hour clearing the mess up.

I just hope that the building process will be quick and the eyesore will just be a distant memory.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Linear Way Litter Bins

horrible mess
I have visited Linear Way this afternoon particularly the area that runs behind Bellotts Road.

how it should be
I am concerned that despite my requests earlier this week that the dog waste bins need to be emptied i came across this overflowing bin and also witnessed a dog owner not cleaning up after their animal.

I have again requested that these bins are emptied and monitored.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Twerton Arch

I am pleased to see that Network rail have been very quick and cut the brambles back along the Lower Bristol Road after I complained to them a few weeks ago and I  thank them for that.

I have however had to make further requests for the vegetation that is growing out of the walls across Twerton Arch to be cut back as it is rather unsightly and is also hanging over the Highway.

I have also asked that the weeds that are growing beside the newly refurbished buildings is brought under control.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Loxton Drive

On a visit to Loxton Drive this afternoon I have noticed that the grass in several areas has not been cut properly particularly around the children's play area.

I have asked that the grass is cut as soon as possible as the area has started to look untidy.

I have also noticed that the children's play equipment is starting to look a bit untidy and in need of a good lick of paint, I am sure I remember promises that this would be done but as it hasn't I have also chased this up as well.

by Cllr Sharon Ball

Friday, 13 July 2012

Lymore Gardens

Sarah Moore inspecting area with a local resident
I had a very good meeting with Council officers at Lymore Gardens on Thursday and I am able to report that we have made good progress in resolving a serious parking problem.

I have reached agreement with officers and local residents that will see white lines put down on the road at the bottom of Lymore Gardens that would create a safe turning bay for local residents.

It had been reported of many cars being damaged due to very poor parking in this residential area that is close to a commercial area.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Lidl's close to completion

Sharon & Sarah Moore hoping for more good news
 Good News

It is good news to hear that Listed building consent has been granted for the conversion of the former Herman Miller Building on the Lower Bristol Road into a Lidl store and three other shops.

 This is a positive move forward and lets hope that this is the beginning of the end of this five year long saga.

The full application consultation ends on Monday and we would hope that a positive decision would be forthcoming soon after that, although we can not guarantee the time scale we would hope that it would be quick.

We will bring you all the latest information on this web site as soon as it is available.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Friday, 6 July 2012

Dartmouth Avenue/Millmead Road

From Wednesday 11th July, traffic restrictions will be in place along Dartmouth Avenue and Millmead Road for a couple of weeks, whilst work continues on the placement of the new bridge, to continue the two tunnels route through Bath.

Please note, the number 12 bus will be following a revised route during this period.

Please contact us if you have any issues

Sarah Moore

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Park Lymore Gardens

I have asked for a new lamp post to be placed in the park between Lymore Gardens and Millmead Road.

The new lamp post will ensure there is enough light to safely get through the park at night and discourage some of the alcohol fuelled anti social behaviour that is taking place.

I have also working with Sarah Moore asked for some of the dead and broken trees in the play area to be removed.

The issue of the Path that runs from the park to Claude Ave has always been a problem and I have asked for some compacted rubble to be placed on this path.

Linear Way

I have after receiving complaints from local residents complained that the litter bins particular area are not being emptied regularly particularly to dog waste bins.

I would hope that this would be picked up and that the bins would be emptied more often I have also asked that a monitor is put in place to ensure that they are emptied without constant complaints.

However if you know of a bin not being emptied then please let Sarah or me know.

by Cllr Sharon Ball

Brambles Lwr Bristol Road

The same old problem of Brambles coming from the from the Railway land between Bathwick Tyers and Twerton arch is with us again this year and they are hanging over the footpath causing problems for local residents.

I have asked the council to chase up network rail in order for these brambles to be cut back as soon as possible.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

New Classroms for Oldfield Park Infants

It is good news that Bath & North East Somerset Liberal Democrat run Cabinet have approved £230k capital allocation for new classrooms at Oldfield Park Infant School.

In a report that is going to the July Cabinet councillors are asked to note that funds have been allocated for the new classrooms and agree other capital funding for other Schools.

It is very important for this School to be able to have enough room in the School for all the additional pupils that the School is expected to take.

link to Cabinet reports

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Lymore Gardens Turning Bay

Sarah Moore with Local resident

We have asked the council to look into putting a turning bay at the bottom of Lymore Gardens to assist local residents whose cars are often hit by other vehicles trying to turn around or reverse backwards.

Lymore Gardens is a residential area and a cul de sac but has commercial units just off one part of the road that make the road more awkward to navigate.

By Cllr Sharon Ball

Monday, 2 July 2012

Grass Cut at Last

We are pleased that the grass has at last been cut at the former Herman Miller building on the Lower Bristol Road and we thank Lidl for ensuring that it has been tidied up.

It is a shame that this building has been empty for so long lets just hope that agreement can be reached with Lidl and their development partner soon.

by Cllr Sharon Ball

Parking Restrictions agreed

Sharon & Sarah above 111 West Ave
 I am very pleased with the meeting that I had today with Lib Dem Cabinet member for Transport Roger Symonds and officers of the council.

It was good news that we were able to agree at last for the double yellow lines to be extended from number 1 West Ave to the Bridge at Brook Road, We also agreed that double yellow lines would be extended on the opposite side of the road from Triangle North to the sharp corner of West Ave before you get to 110.

Slow makings are to be placed on the road leading from Lyndhurst Road and also in the opposite direct from the Triangle.

We also agreed for several sets of double yellow lines not to be put into place on several other places on West Ave but agreed to yellow lines at the Junction of West Ave & South Ave.

White keep clear lines will also be introduced at the Junction of Maybrick Road and South Ave.

 By Cllr Sharon Ball

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Westmoreland Weekend Walk

After a rather wet walk around Westmoreland this morning, I have noticed a large amount of rubbish being left in front gardens and on the pavements.

I have reported rubbish outside a number of houses in Coronation Avenue, Lymore Terrace, Claude Avenue, West Avenue, South View Road, Denmark Road, Stuart Place, Brook Road and Lymore Avenue.

This is unacceptable and residents of the surounding houses should not have to put up with looking at this.

Please contact us if you have any issues in your street that you need us to look into.

Sarah Moore