Friday, 27 June 2014

West Avenue/Dartmouth Avenue

Whilst out walking around Westmoreland earlier this week, we noticed there are a number of drains that are still blocked, despite reporting these previously.

Although we are hoping for very little rain over the summer, it is important that these are cleared as soon as possible, to ensure when we do get any rain, it is able to soak away without causing any issues for residents.

If you have any issues in your street that you would like our help with, please do get in touch.


Sarah Moore

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Bridge Road/Claude Avenue Ramp

Work is progressing well on the construction of the pedestrian/cycle ramp from the Linear Way shared path up to Bridge Road/Claude Avenue.

As you can see, a large amount of rock has been placed into the gabion baskets already.  This will make sure the land under the ramp will not slip.

We will continue to keep you updated on progress of the ramp and confirm as soon as we have a date of when the ramp will be open for use.


Sarah Moore

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Lansdown View

During this evening's Cabinet meeting, I raised a question to the Cabinet Member for Transport to confirm when the work requested by Councillor Sharon Ball and which was included within this year's budget would be carried out.

This work is to remove the grass area outside numbers 11 to 26 Lansdown View and replace this with tarmac.  This has been asked for by many residents for a considerable time and we are pleased to confirm the Cabinet Member has told us this will be carried out this financial year, but she was not in a position to provide a specific date.

I will be following up this response to obtain an actual date and will pass this information on as soon as I have this.


Sarah Moore

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Vernon Park

Again, this week I spent time clearing up the mess below, as residents think it is acceptable to dump their rubbish out whenever they want.

All rubbish should be put out no earlier than the evening before collection, and by 7am on the morning of collection, to ensure it is not missed.

Only black bags/dustbins of household waste will be collected by the teams.  They will not collect large household items eg furniture buy will remove small electrical items (items that will fit into a carrier bag).

South West Bath June Focus

Latest South West Bath Focus is currently being printed for delivery across the area over the next couple of weeks, keeping residents updated on what is happening where you live.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Loxton Drive. Priddy Close & Rooksbridge Walk Community event

I had a very good meeting with Curo and a local resident representative yesterday to discuss the possibility of a community event to be held early September in the Loxton Drive area.

We are looking at arranging the community event for all residents to come along to and would love to hear from any other residents that would like to help arrange this.

We will be putting a flyer out in the next couple of weeks with contact information on, or feel free to contact me via email or phone 07807013635.

Sarah Moore

Monday, 2 June 2014

Linear Way/Two Tunnels route

Great to see work has started on the new ramp that is being put in to enable access from Bridge Road onto the Linear Way/Two Tunnels route.

Work will take approximately 6 weeks to complete and the area will be closed off to cyclists and pedestrians during the work.  The closures are effective on weekdays only, with a signed diversion from the entrance on St Kilda's Road to the bridge at Dartmouth Avenue.

We will keep you updated on progress and look forward to the ramp opening, providing an excellent safe route to school for a large number of children, as well as another access point for the lovely Linear Way shared path.

by Sarah Moore