During this evening's Cabinet meeting, I raised a question to the Cabinet Member for Transport to confirm when the work requested by Councillor Sharon Ball and which was included within this year's budget would be carried out.
This work is to remove the grass area outside numbers 11 to 26 Lansdown View and replace this with tarmac. This has been asked for by many residents for a considerable time and we are pleased to confirm the Cabinet Member has told us this will be carried out this financial year, but she was not in a position to provide a specific date.
I will be following up this response to obtain an actual date and will pass this information on as soon as I have this.
Sarah Moore
This work is to remove the grass area outside numbers 11 to 26 Lansdown View and replace this with tarmac. This has been asked for by many residents for a considerable time and we are pleased to confirm the Cabinet Member has told us this will be carried out this financial year, but she was not in a position to provide a specific date.
I will be following up this response to obtain an actual date and will pass this information on as soon as I have this.
Sarah Moore