We are pleased to hear from Don Foster MP that funding has been announced for research into urban gulls. Here in Westmoreland ward we are well aware of the problems and are regularly contacted by residents who complain about the number of urban gulls in the area. We have long tried to get the matter resolved and as a council we have introduced oiling of eggs brought In Seagul proof refuse sacks and introduced gull deterring paint.
Don tells us that The Government has committed £250,000 to fund new research that will help tackle the problems that gulls are causing in cities and towns like Bath.
The current number of urban gulls in the UK is unknown, but according to the latest report by Defra’s Chief Scientist the two commonest species alone total over 250,000 breeding pairs. This research will improve the understanding of urban seagulls’ life cycles and behaviour so that councils are better placed to tackle the problems they are causing, including by controlling urban seagull populations.
We are pleased that the government have agreed to look into the problems for us, but we realise that the problem will not be resolved overnight, but at least now we have got significant back up and support.