Sunday, 29 March 2015

Tackling the Seagull problems

We are pleased to hear from Don Foster MP that funding has been announced for research into urban gulls. Here in Westmoreland ward we are well aware of the problems and are regularly contacted by  residents who complain about the number of urban gulls in the area. We have long tried to get the matter resolved and as a council we have introduced oiling of eggs brought In Seagul proof refuse sacks and introduced gull deterring paint. 


Don tells us that The Government has committed £250,000 to fund new research that will help tackle the problems that gulls are causing in cities and towns like Bath.
 The current number of urban gulls in the UK is unknown, but according to the latest report by Defra’s Chief Scientist the two commonest species alone total over 250,000 breeding pairs. This research will improve the understanding of urban seagulls’ life cycles and behaviour so that councils are better placed to tackle the problems they are causing, including by controlling urban seagull populations.
We are pleased that the government have agreed to look into the problems for us, but we realise that the problem will not be resolved overnight, but at least now we have got significant back up and support.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Western Riverside - Signage

Street name signage around the entire Bath Western Riverside development is being improved to increase visibility thanks to prompt action by Westmoreland Councillor Sharon Ball.

Building and street names for the new housing area were nicely etched into the buildings, following traditional local practices. However, residents have been asking for the signage to be improved as it is very difficult to read the names. This has been a particular problem for people visiting the site – for example delivery people who may not be familiar with the area.

Councillor Ball met with developer Crest Nicholson and discussed various options for enhancing the names to make it clearer and local residents will be pleased to see that the etched names are being painted to improve visibility without the need for signs to be attached to the side of buildings.

Councillor Sharon Ball (Lib Dem, Westmoreland) commented:

“It is great to see that these names are being improved to make them clearer. I have been contacted by a large number of residents at Western Riverside requesting something to be done as they were having difficulty receiving their deliveries.”

Local Lib Dem campaigner, Sarah Moore, added:

“These improvements should also make the signs easier for people with impaired vision. We are grateful to Crest Nicholson for listening to, and acting on, residents’ concerns.”

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Loxton Drive

Whilst out visiting residents last night we noticed that the area of Loxton Drive was full of litter.

Sarah and I needed to make a decision to continue calling on residents or to clear the area up.

Well it did not take long for us to make the decision and we cleared the area of 2 bags of litter.

Lidl to open soon

Although we have been here before and the opening of Lidl has been delayed several times, we feel that from the information we have recently received, it gives an indication that Lidl will open by the second week of April.

The matter is down to BT to complete their work on site which should have been done last year although Lidl have apologised to the public for the store not opening there has been deathly silence from BT.

We will of course publish the exact date of opening as soon as we have permission to release it from Lidl.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Resurfacing of Lower Bristol Road

Bath & North East Somerset Council are planning to resurface the Lower Bristol Road from its Junction of Twerton High Street to its Junction with Newbridge Road.

The planned dates for resurfacing are for three nights from 25th March to 28th March midnight to 6am in the morning.

The full order is for 33 days but only the 3 night specified above should be enough.

Alternative route if you need one at that time of night is:

A4 Newbridge Road – A4 Upper Bristol Road - A3604 Windsor Bridge Road – A36 Lower Bristol Road and vice versa.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Bellotts Road Planning Application Appeal

We have received formal confirmation that the appeal lodged for planning permission to build 6 flats on the site of 21A Bellotts Road has been refused.

The full inspector's report can be viewed here.

If you have any question, please do get in touch.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Local Green space protection

Local Liberal Democrats Councillor Sharon Ball & Campaigner Sarah Moore have taken steps to ensure the safety of our Local parks and open Spaces in the emerging Bath & North East Somerset Placemaking plan.

We have requested that the whole of Brickfields, LymoreGardens play area (including the green space adjoining it) and Dorset Street play area (and green space adjoining it) are protected from any future developments.

Councillor Sharon Ball said: "The Emerging Placemaking plan gives us the opportunity to ensure that open space and parks that provide recreation or act as a green lung in our area are protected for future generations".

Please let us know if there are any other areas in the ward that you feel we have missed  and that should be protected.