Monday, 20 December 2010

Archive July 2009

Fence down at Brickfields

We have asked for the broken down fence at the brickfields to be repaired as soon as possible for not only does it look untidy it gives access to vehicles that should not be on this field.
We have also asked for a good litter pick in the area.

What a difference a fence makes

We are pleased with the new fence that has been installed around the Children's play area at Loxton Drive, This new fence has certainly brightened up the area and made this small park a lot safer. We are sure residents would agree with us that we all hope it will stay that way.

Urgent repairs asked for

We have reported the hole that was left when a post was knocked down in the garage area at Loxton Drive. We have asked for the hole to be filled straight away as it is now dangerous and that the post is replaced as soon as possible.

Why can't people put out rubbish on the correct day

We are having some problems with failed collections in some area's of Westmoreland and these are being chased up and we hope to have these resolved soon.
But in other area's some people are still dragging their rubbish out on the wrong day, The picture shows Loxton Drive last week a day after collection day when some one hauled their rubbish on on a Wedbesday when collection day was Tuesday if you know who this was please let us know.

Headteacher leaves Oldfield Junior after 19 years in charge.

Headteacher Diana George retired form her post at Oldfield Junior School last Wednesday and many at the School have paid tribute to her time at the School.
Mrs George was a very popular head who has broght the School on into the modern age and her shoes will be hard to fill. To read the full story about the tributes to Mrs George follow the link HERE

Loacl Planning applications in our area

We have two planning applications this week to bring to your attention.
The first application is for the Division of house to Erection of purpose built student accommodation providing 330 bed spaces (revisions to planning application 07/03105/FUL) at Former George Yeo Site Lower Bristol Road.
If you want to view the application or to make any comments then please follow the Link HERE
The Second application is for the Erection of a single storey rear extension at 21 Lymore Gardens
If you want to view this application or make any comments then follow the link HERE

Help for Threeways School & Bath City Farm

The Victoria Public House in Millmead Road are holding a skittles night on Saturday 1st August to raise money for gardening equipment for Children from Threeways School.
Bath City Farm have kindly donated a section of land for a gardening project for the School what they need is the gardening Kit.
The Skittles night starts at 7pm and costs £6 per entry and the pub are putting on free food.
The new Landlady Sam is trying to raise the £500 for the School gardening equipment. We would encourage as many of you to go along as possible.
Cant play skittles or cant make it then why not give a donation contatct Sam at the Pub.

Corner Shophouse Road Update

It seems that by keeping on may have produced some results. The Land owner has been in contact with the council and has promised to clear the land of any overgrowth in the next week. It has also been confirmed that the owner intends to start developing the site that he has panning permission for four flats on in the next two months.
We will not hold our breath on this one but will keep up the preasure.

Gull cull by city firm

This story has appeared today and we thought that residents would like to know about it. The main reason that gulls are in our City is the easy feeding from our Household Waste. We will have the problem with ever increasing Gull numbers until this council takes action and ensures that secure food collection is collected from households. The Liberal Democrats wanted to do this two years ago.
To read the story in the Headline follow the Link HERE

New Pig at Oldfield Park Station

The addition of one of King Blauded's pigs at the Station makes this worth a visit even if you are not using the train for the day. Thanks to the dedication of local resident June Player and a committed group of residents the Station is in spectacular colour. Our thanks go out to the group called on Board who with June carry out all of the work of planting weeding and watering.
At the moment the group are small in numbers so if you want to lend a hand let us know and we will put you in touch with the group. If you are unable to help in a manual way you could always give a donation. Again let us know and we will put you in touch with the group or if you see June pictured below then stop her and say thank you.

from Left to right June's Friend, June & and young supporter, Cllr Sharon Ball,

Coronation Ave Road Repairs

We are working with the council to try to get the urgent repairs carried out on this road. To carry out the repairs it is important that cars are removed from the road. The Council have informed us that they have made two leaflet drops asking for this to happen so that repairs to the surface can take place only to arrive on site and find cars still in place and be unable to carry out the work.
The Council are now planning to close the road later in the year when they can completely close the road off to all traffic and resurface the road, they will however fill in any dangerous Pot Holes as and when they occur.

Road reports for Westmoreland

The latest highway reports are now available for our area to view please follow the link to find out how these road works may affect you HERE To see Major Highway reports for Bath & North East Somerset follow the link HERE

To report a highway repair follow the link HERE

Trees at Caledonian Road

We have asked for some urgent attenton to be paid to the trees at Caledonian Road. Cllr Sharon Ball said these trees are so low that it is almost impossible to get past and we have asked that the canopies to be raised as soon as possible.

Community Cash Back

What is it?

Community Cashback is a new scheme in England and Wales which gives local people a say in how £4million of recovered criminal assets (for example confiscated cash or property) should be spent in their communities.

How can I be involved?

  1. You can suggest a project you would like to see happening in your area.
  2. If you don't have a project to suggest, you can have your say on a project suggested by someone else in your community.
Follow the link to find out more HERE

Failed Waste Collections

We have had further complaints about failed waste collections and we are chasing these up with the council.
If you have a problem will you please let us know so we can deal with it. We would rather know as soon as it happens then we are able to deal with the problem quickly.

New Bus lane for Lower Bristol Road proposed.

Councillors are calling for the BRT to be dropped in favour of a bus lane from the Golden Fleece on the Lower Bristol Road to Windsor Bridge combined with extensive works to the two junctions at either end of the bridge.
Some of the money which would have been spent on the BRT should be put into the Western Riverside transport corridor, which might help kick start that whole project, while also bringing forward part of the transport package. This is a good argument to make to the government in the current economic climate.
Finally, we should look again at the proposal for a park and ride on the other side of the river at Newbridge – it may now provide a better alternative. To read the full story follow the link HERE

New road works reports available

The latest road works reports show Wessex Water carrying out quite a bit of work in our area to see how this will affect you and what other highway issue there are in our area follow the link HERE

New PCSO for westmoreland

We are delighted to inform residents that the Westmoreland beat Police team are to get an extra PCSO this will help the Current beat Manager Adrian Secker and current PCSO's Martin & Jess with their work load.
We are led to beleive the new PCSO a lady called Debra will join the team in the next few months.

new planning Use Class Order for HMOs

The government is thinking of changing the rules on HMOs (houses in multiple occupation, or shared houses) - and they are asking us what we think! Now we have a chance to tip the balance in favour of residents.
Westmoreland has a problem with HMOs. Of course, there's nothing wrong with sharing a house, as such. But there's something seriously wrong with a neighbourhood where most of the houses are HMOs.
This is now the case in the neighbourhoods in and around Westmoreland. Few live in HMOs for very long, so what this means is a constantly changing population. Constant change breaks the links on which communities depend. As HMOs increase, community spirit decreases. There are now streets in  where temporary tenants outnumber longer term residents. The results are all too obvious in the changes that have overtaken these neighbourhoods in the last decade or two.
But it's not only our area which is affected. Most university towns now have concentrations of HMOs. And not only these - there are huge problems in seaside towns where guest-houses have been turned into HMOs, and in many market towns gang masters have bought up HMOs for seasonal workers.
As a result, residents groups from all over the country have joined the National HMO Lobby, a network of community associations pioneered by the Leeds HMO Lobby. Locally the Bath Federation of Residents Associations are members. In addition, there is a parallel national group of local councillors, of which Cllr Shaun McGall Oldfield ward is a member. Don Foster, our MP here in Bath, is a member of the parliamentary Group working on these issues.
Together they have campaigned for ten years to get government nationally to bring in legislation which will enable government locally to resist concentrations of HMOs. They helped to bring in licensing of HMOs with the Housing Act 2004, and the highly successful voluntary local accreditation scheme for HMOs
But licences and accreditation schemes don't resist HMOs - for this, new planning legislation is needed.
At the moment no permission is needed to convert a family house to a HMO - so anyone can do so, landlords, buy-to-let investors, student parents ... There's nothing the Council can do without new powers. So we have been campaigning for a change to the Use Classes Order, the relevant regulation. Colleagues in Loughborough, Nottingham and Southampton have shown ministers what the problems are in their areas. So last year, we got the government to commission a report on HMOs - and this recommended consultation on new legislation. The consultation paper agrees that concentrations of HMOs cause problems. It suggests three courses of action, and is seeking the views of the public on these.
Option 1 is to rely on existing ‘good practice', like the things we've done in Bath to try to tackle the problem - but we know it doesn't work!
Option 2 is to change the Use Classes Order, so that HMOs need planning permission - this is obviously what is needed, and what we've campaigned for so long. On its own it won't solve the problem, but it is essential to prevent it getting any worse, here and elsewhere.
Option 3is a complicated proposal to allow HMOs anywhere at all - except where the government agrees to give special powers to councils in limited areas (Article 4 Directions). This is basically unworkable.
We have until 7 August to persuade the government to act on Option 2.
What can you do to help?
Cllr Sharon Ball and Cllr Lynda Hedges will be writing to the government of course. So will other local Lib Dem councillors in Bath. So will Don Foster, our MP here in Bath. So too can you, the more voices the better!
Please join us in writing to the Government if you need help with your letter or email then please contact us.
The email address for replies is: (subject: HMO Consultation);
The postal address is:
Susan Turner,
Planning System Improvement Division,
Department for Communities and Local Government,
Zone 1/J10,
Eland House,
Bressenden Place,
The deadline is 7 August 2009.

Local planning application

We have one planning application this week and that is for the provision of a front dormer at 83A Lymore Avenue
If you would like to know more about the application or to make a comment then please follow the link HERE

Appeal for Student Gardens to be cleared of rubbish.

Many students have now gone home for the summer but residents in the Oldfield Park area are telling us that many households that had students staying in them have bags of decaying rubbish in the gardens. A particular problem is Coronation Ave where at least six houses have been reported to the Council.

Councillor Sharon Ball (LIb Dem Westmoreland has called on the council to ensure that rotting refuse is removed before it attracts vermin and for the Student landlords to be pursued for any costs incurred if the rubbish is gardens that they own.

Cllr Sharon Ball said: "It is unfair for residents and responsible student households to suffer at the expense of others who do not put their waste out for collection. I am asking that all student landlords are contacted and the waste removed from the gardens ASAP."

Rubbsih Not collected

We are very concerned that the council has again failed to collect the rubbish and recycling from many streets in Oldfield park on Friday  Many residents have called us to tell us that their waste was not collected.
We have contacted the council and have been told that the Majority of it should have been collected on Saturday morning. Cllr Sharon Ball phoned the conservative councillor responsible for this area on Friday tea time only to be told that if it was still there on Monday to call him again but not in the morning as he had a meeting.
We don not accept this as being appropriate response and will be taking this matter further as we believe that our residents deserve a better service than this. This is just another example of a failing conservative council.

Number 5 delays cause misery for passengers

We are again receiving complaints about the number 5 Bus service and passengers waiting for long periods without seeing a bus then seeing three all following one another (where is the sense in that).
After complaints a while ago councillors were promised that the situation would improve clearly by the evidence that is being reported to us there is much to do at first bus.

 Oh look a number 5 running on time and not being followed.

Speeding Ringwood Road

After receiving complaints from residents about some cars still speeding on Ringwood road the Police have agreed to our request to investigate the problem.
Last year we had a new speed monitor installed which would have hoped would have solved this problem.

Weed Filled lane

We have been asking the Council for some time now to keep the lane that runs from Bellotts Road to Brook Road free from weeds.
The Council have replied blaming everyone bar themselves for the overgrowth although they have said this time that they feel that the Parks department is responsible and that the will ask them to cut back the foliage. (We wait in anticipation)

Clean this up

After many attempts to have this land cleaned up we have finally become so fed up with the Owner of this land that we are making available the details of the last applicant who was granted planning permission to develop this land in 2008.
The Details of the application that was granted planning permission in 2008 can be found  found by follow the link HERE
The applicant who we understand is still the owner can be found by accessing applicant/ownership details by going through View associated documents.
All we ever wanted is to have this land cleaned up and the Vermin that are there removed.


I'm afraid rubbish and recycling have been forgotten at Claude Vale on the right day since the changing of same day collections 'I take it, it is a different crew' so maybe they need reminding there is little lanes to 1-4 or more houses in places tucked behind others, but do get collected the next day when residents ring up, but he does wish they didn't have to complain about forgotten rubbish and recycling

The Big Farm Fundraiser

Bath City Farm fund raising day  is on July 5 from 12 till 4pm Live music, refreshments, BBQ, traditional games and loads more.
Why not go along and support the City Farm that do so much for our local community.
And as a special bonus Free entry.