Monday, 20 December 2010

Archive August 2009

Bus Lanes for Lower Bristol Road

We have been concerned for some time now that with all of the issues that have been surrounding the controversial BRT that the need for Bus lanes on the inward route of the Lower Bristol Road have been forgotten. Cllr Sharon Ball has raided the matter in a written question to the councils conservative cabinet member for Highways in a written question that will go to the cabinet meeting of Bath and North East Somerset Council next Wednesday.
The question reads
Can we be told what consideration if any is being given to introducing bus lanes
 on the Lower Bristol Road and  would the executive member agree with me that
 the introduction of Bus lanes would be a cost effective way of  easing the traffic
 flow on this road.

Would he also agree that by allowing buses to be able to get out of the bus depot
and to their designated route without delay by using a bus  lane would make a huge
environmental difference in this congested area.

The full answer to the question will be published on this blog.

Clear up at Albany road and High Street demanded

We have asked Somer Housing to tend to their land at the rear of Twerton High Street where brambles invade over residents garden walls. We have asked that these brambles are cut back. We have also asked Bath & North East Somerset Council to enforce the cutting back of the brambles and weeds that are growing out of the former office furniture shop on the High Street.

New Planning application at Belviour Castle

We have just one planning application to bring to your attention this week and that is for alterations including new signage, proposed lantern, Clock, repainting elevations and new casement windows at the former Belvoir castle public house 32- 33 Victoria Buildings Lower Bristol Road.

Want to know more about this application of make a comment then follow the link HERE

Full Litter Bins

We have again reported the litter bin that us overflowing on the Lower Bristol Road and asked that it is emptied as soon as possible. We have also asked that other bins in the area area also emptied. We have asked that the Litter bin on the River Bank that has been burnt out near the park past Herman Miller is replaced.

One of the worst examples of an HMO garden

Most residents at Lyndhurst road have very tidy gardens and have respect for each other however there are some houses that are HMO occupied that have not been tidied for years.
The Pictures show number 26 Lyndhurst road that is in this sort of mess with an absentee landlord who neighbours of the property tell us has not been near the place in 2 years and just collects the rent from the students that live there. We have reported the matter to the council and are contacting both universities as this is just not acceptable.
If a house is rented out to Students then the Landlord should ensure that the garden is tidy and that the house is fit for purpose and some are very good However others are not so good and leave the gardens in a mess and this brings the whole area down. It is time that these irresponsible landlords are brought to task

Cynthia Works

we have been chasing the owners of this site to clear up the mess in this area and make the site safe. on a recent site visit many concerns were raised and we have brought these to the attention of the owners who we have also asked to make sure that the site is secure.
A planning application was granted over a year ago for the demolition of the buildings and for houses to be built on the site we are chasing this matter up asking what is happening to this proposal. 

New B&NES Supplementary Planning Doc on Planning Obligations adopted

The Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document was adopted by Bath & North East Somerset Council on 8th July 2009, it will come into effect for all applications registered on or after 9th July 2009.
The aim of this Supplementary Planning Document is to provide clear guidance on the Council’s approach to Planning Obligations. Planning Obligations on developers are used to secure affordable housing and financial contributions to mitigate the impact of new development on social and other infrastructure such as roads and community facilities.
The SPD will provide the general public, landowners, developers and other stakeholders with clarity about the process by which planning obligations will be sought, when they will be sought and what they will be sought for.
To read the Document follow the link HERE

Conservative Attack on Readers

A consultation exercise is soon to be carried out by the Council on cutting the mobile library service. Many of these cuts fall on villages, but they also fall on communities in Bath. In Foxhill, for instance, the two library stops in Hawthorn Grove and in Bradford Park are to be cut. Mobile library visits to Twerton will be cut altogether.
Cllr Roger Symonds (Liberal Democrat, Combe Down) said:   “These cuts fall on the least well off and most vulnerable in our communities. Getting to the central library by bus is too expensive. The mobile library service gives easy access to books, in particular, for children from the poorest households. This administration seems unable to recognise the importance of making books available to our less well off residents.”
  Cllr Cherry Beath (Liberal Democrat, Combe Down) added:
  “This move by the Conservative Administration is about shaving off a relatively small amount of fuel costs, and I am concerned that a valuable service that goes out to residential areas is under threat of reduction. The danger is that some people might well be put off altogether from using the library.”
  Cllr Tim Ball (Liberal Democrat, Twerton) commented:
  “The mobile library will disappear from Twerton altogether. What message does that give to youngsters eager to improve their reading skills?”

Road reports for Westmoreland

The latest highway reports for the Westmoreland area are now available for our area to view please follow the link to find out how these road works may affect you HERE To see Major Highway reports for Bath & North East Somerset follow the link HERE

To report a highway repair follow the link HERE