Monday, 20 December 2010

Archive June 2009

New extensions proposed at 2A Ivy Ave

We have a planning application for erection of a first floor extension to existing single story dwelling and extension to ground floor lobby at 2A Ivy Ave. if you want to know more about the application or want to make a comment then follow this link HERE

Erection of a single storey rear extension at Southview Road

We have a planning application for the erection of a single storey rear extension at 12 Southview Ave. If you would like to know more about this application or want to make a comment then please follow this link HERE

Local Entertainment raises money for homeless

The Royal Oak Public House on the Lower Bristol Road are holding a Folk music and Beer Festival from 16th July to 19th July 2009 in Aid of Julian House.
So why not go along and support a local homeless Charity and have a good night out as well.

Lidl Submit new planning application

Lidl have now submitted their long awaited second planning application for the former Herman Miller site on the Lower Bristol Road. If you want to view the application and make comments then follow the link HERE

Inquest hears of woman's lorry death horror on Lower Bristol Road,

The Bath Chronicle are reporting the inquest results into the death of a 64-year-old Bath widow who died after crossing the busy Lower Bristol Road in front of a lorry whose driver would never have seen her. To read the full story follow the link HERE

Sainsbury's set to open in Woolworths store

It has been reported that Sainsbury's is about to open a new shop in the former Woolworths Store in Moorland Road. Whether or not this would be a good thing for Mooreland Road is a matter for debate. Read the full story HERE

PACT Meeting

The next Pact meeting for the Westmoreland area will be held on 24th September at 7pm at Oldfield Park Baptist Church. All residents are welcome to attend and bring issues forward for discussion.

West Ave

We have reported the issues that have been raised by residents in West Ave & Ringwood Road concerning the mess that has been left behind on waste collection days to the council and asked that more care is taken to ensure that all of the waste is collected and none left behind on the Street after the final collection is made each day.
We realise that the new same day collection is pretty new for everybody but feel that it is essential for our residents that our area is clean and tidy at all times.

Former Herman Miller Building

We are expecting a further planning application from Lidl for this site in the next few weeks. This will then go out to further consultation before being returned to planning committee for determination.

Thank you June

Can we all thank June Player for her hard work in keeping the wonderful flower displays on both the Lower Bristol Road and at Oldfield Park Station. It is always good to see the flowers in our local area and the work that she carries out deserves some recognition.
June can often be seen keeping the flowers beds at the Station in great condition so if you see her working away just stop and say thank you as she is a volunteer with a huge community spirit.

Brambles again on Lower Bristol Road

We have asked that the Brambles on the lower Bristol Road near to Twerton Arch are cleared again. This is a problem every year that seems to get overlooked.

Thank You

Can we thank all the residents that spoke to us when we called on them on Friday 12th June in Ringwood Road,Millmead Road and West Ave. Many issues were raised and we will be in touch with those residents who raised specific items with us over the next week. If you were not home in these roads and want to talk to us them please get in touch.

Should this grass be tarmacked over

Many residents on this part of Lansdown view have asked that this area of grass pictured below be tarmacked over as they claim that it is only used as a dog toilet and is very muddy in the winter.

Cllr Sharon Ball at the area of Lansdown view being investigated
A consultation letter will be sent to all affected houses over the next week.

Litter Bin always full

We have reminded Bath & North East Somerset Council of the need to keep it's litter bins empty. The one on Linear Way pictured below is always full. If you have problems with other bins not emptied then please let us know.

Bath City Farm

Roots and Shoots every Tuesday 10am - 12pm.
Club for parents, carers and under 5's. Come and help feed the animals and do outdoor fun stuff. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Volunteering Days Every Monday from 10am-3pm
Come and help with work on the farm. Animal care, gardening, conservation work and more.
For further information please ring 01225 481269 or check website HERE

Fill that hole

Fed up with Pot Holes in the road and feel that nothing ever gets done then please report them to us or you may even find this new web site of help

More Students at Waterside Court

A new planning application has been submitted for alterations to the student accommodation at Waterside Court to create an additional 3 bed spaces.
The application was first registered on 5th June 2009 and has a decision date of 31st July 2009. The application reference number is 09/01770/FUL and you can view the application by following the link on the application reference number.
Any representations on these applications should be made in writing to Development Control, Trimbridge House, Trim Street, Bath BA1 2DP. Alternatively representations can be made using the Planning Service pages of the Council’s website All representation must arrive no later than the 2nd July 2009.

Local Road reports for our local area

Street Name and MapStart and Completion DatesWork Description
03/06/2009 to 05/06/2009Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (HEAD QUARTERS)
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: 21
Work Description: Section 81
Traffic Type: Signing Only
08/06/2009 to 11/06/2009Organisation Name: NO R&R Somerset & Wilts - Wiltshire 1
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: O/S NO.36
Work Description: LAY NEW SERVICE - 2M PUBLIC
Traffic Type: Signing Only
30/06/2009 to 03/07/2009Organisation Name: B&NES - Network Maintenance
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: Claude Avenue
Work Description: Carriageway patch
Traffic Type: Stop/Go Boards
30/06/2009 to 03/07/2009Organisation Name: B&NES - Network Maintenance
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: Cynthia Road
Work Description: Carriageway patch
Traffic Type: Stop/Go Boards
05/06/2009 to 09/06/2009Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (HEAD QUARTERS)
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: 62
Work Description: Meter - option
Traffic Type: Signing Only
05/06/2009 to 09/06/2009Organisation Name: NO R&R Somerset & Wilts - Wiltshire 1
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: O/S 33 & 27
Traffic Type: Signing Only
23/06/2009 to 26/06/2009Organisation Name: B&NES - Network Maintenance
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: Lymore Avenue
Work Description: Carriagway patch
Traffic Type: Signing Only
08/06/2009 to 10/06/2009Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (HEAD QUARTERS)
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: 47
Work Description: Meter - option
Traffic Type: Signing Only
01/06/2009 to 03/06/2009Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (HEAD QUARTERS)
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: 37
Work Description: Stop tap - replacement due to inoperation
Traffic Type: Signing Only

Planning application Cynthia Road

We have just one new planning application this week and that is for the erection of a single storey rear extension at 26 Cynthia Road Twerton Bath BA2 3QH .
The application was first registered on 29th May 2009 and has a decision date of 24th July 2009. The application reference number is 09/01853/FUL and you can view the application by following the link on the application number.
Any representations on this application should be made in writing to Development Control, Trimbridge House, Trim Street, Bath BA1 2DP. Alternatively representations can be made using the Planning Service pages of the Council’s website All representations must arrive no later than the 27th June 2009.