The links to both applications are below if you wish to view them or make any comments.
Approval of reserved matters with regard to
outline application 06/01733/EOUT for the erection of a six storey
building comprising 55no. apartments and 1no. commercial unit, erection
of a cycle store, vehicular access from Midland Road, parking,
landscaping and formation of temporary car park.
Application reference: 12/05387/ERES received on 07/12/2012
Planning Portal reference: PP-02333180
Approval of reserved matters with regard to
outline application 06/01733/EOUT for the erection of three and four
storey buildings comprising 26 houses and apartments and 1 commercial
unit (A3 cafe/restaurant), vehicular access to Victoria Bridge Road,
parking and landscaping.
Application reference: 12/05590/ERES received on 20/12/2012
Planning Portal reference: PP-02354282
by Cllr Sharon Ball