Thursday, 7 February 2013

Planning applications Western Riverside

We have two separate planning applications in for Western Riverside for the next phase of development.

The links to both applications are below if you wish to view them or make any comments.

Approval of reserved matters with regard to outline application 06/01733/EOUT for the erection of a six storey building comprising 55no. apartments and 1no. commercial unit, erection of a cycle store, vehicular access from Midland Road, parking, landscaping and formation of temporary car park.

Application reference: 12/05387/ERES received on 07/12/2012

Planning Portal reference: PP-02333180

Approval of reserved matters with regard to outline application 06/01733/EOUT for the erection of three and four storey buildings comprising 26 houses and apartments and 1 commercial unit (A3 cafe/restaurant), vehicular access to Victoria Bridge Road, parking and landscaping.

Application reference: 12/05590/ERES received on 20/12/2012

Planning Portal reference: PP-02354282

by Cllr Sharon Ball