Saturday, 23 February 2013

Coronation Avenue/Ivy Avenue

Following our recent newsletter, we received a complaint from a resident of a mess that was totally unacceptable.

As you can see this from the picture the amount of rubbish along this lane is out of control.

Although this is a private lane, I have arranged an urgent meeting with BANES officers responsible for Waste to get this cleared up.

It is important that residents are able to make use of their own gardens without having to see this.

If you live in the area and are able to help getting this cleared up, please contact me,

Sarah Moore 

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Westmoreland Play areas

Whilst out and about today, I noticed the state of some of the play areas in Westmoreland was terrible. I think it is important to get children out playing in the fresh air and we need safe enjoyable areas for them to go.

The play area at Lymore Gardens is so uninviting the equipment is old with graffiti on it and the paintwork is extremely faded, the ground is uneven and muddy and it has very limited items to play on.  It also has a total mess of trees/bushes that are broken and unsafe along side it.

The equipment at Dorset Close play park is looking very old and is in need of repair and the paintwork is also very faded.

I have sent emails and letters to the council officers and Cabinet Member responsible for this asking for them to meet me and discuss what we can do to make these spaces more inviting for children.

I will continue to push this issue until the families of Westmoreland and surrounding areas get great play areas.

Please get in touch if you want to find out more.

Sarah Moore

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Planning applications Western Riverside

We have two separate planning applications in for Western Riverside for the next phase of development.

The links to both applications are below if you wish to view them or make any comments.

Approval of reserved matters with regard to outline application 06/01733/EOUT for the erection of a six storey building comprising 55no. apartments and 1no. commercial unit, erection of a cycle store, vehicular access from Midland Road, parking, landscaping and formation of temporary car park.

Application reference: 12/05387/ERES received on 07/12/2012

Planning Portal reference: PP-02333180

Approval of reserved matters with regard to outline application 06/01733/EOUT for the erection of three and four storey buildings comprising 26 houses and apartments and 1 commercial unit (A3 cafe/restaurant), vehicular access to Victoria Bridge Road, parking and landscaping.

Application reference: 12/05590/ERES received on 20/12/2012

Planning Portal reference: PP-02354282

by Cllr Sharon Ball

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Westmoreland Weekend

Great day out in Westmoreland today.  

We held our first Ward Surgery of 2013 with Don Foster, it was great to talk with residents.

We then went out for a walk around the ward and have noticed a large increase in graffiti which we have reported to BANES to get it cleared up.

We have requested the chair that has been left in Stuart Place to be removed.

We have also asked for the blocked drains around by The Triangle and Moorland Road to be cleared of the grit and mud that have built up.

If you have any issues that you would like to discuss, please contact us.

Sarah Moore