Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Community Grants

Sharon with on Board members
Cllr Sharon Ball is pleased to be able to report back that the first of the small community grants has been approved in favor of On Board who work tirelessly in the local community of East Twerton & Oldfield Park.

A Sum of £1,100 has been awarded and the group plan to spend the money on,
1)   Street Party Event
2)   Bi-annual On-Board Newsletter
3)   All of Bath Litter Pick Day
4)   Knitted artwork for railings/lamp-posts using recycled and weatherproof materials through group 'Its Cool to Knit' -
5)  Shrub section at Station - a must from point of view of On-Board's entry in It's Your Neighbourhood as it is a part of the criteria for Bath which is being judged in this year's Britain In Bloom Competition
6)  Art materials for local disabled artist to paint Roman Scenes and/or Nature scenes to be fixed on to railings at Oldfield Park Station
7)  topping up plants in Name, Pig and Train Sections