Monday, 20 December 2010

Archive Jan 2009

How will the roads affect your Journey

The latest Highway reports for our area are now available please follow the link below to see how they will affect you.

Westmoreland Road Reports.

If you know of a problem in your area that needs dealing with then go to

Reported Highway Problems.


Notice is hereby given that the Bath and North East Somerset Council in pursuance of the provisions of section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended intends to make an order the effect of which will be to close temporarily to vehicles that length of Jews Lane, Twerton, Bath which extends from its junction with Lower Bristol Road for a distance of 80 metres in a southerly direction.

This order is required because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the road consequent upon patching and repair works and will be operative from the 16th February 2009 for a maximum period of one month. However, the restriction may not be effected for the whole of the period but it is anticipated that the road will be closed as and when traffic signs are in position and only for so long as is necessary to execute the works which it is anticipated will be for THREE DAYS.

ALTERNATIVE ROUTE – Lower Bristol Road, High Street, Shophouse Road, Lansdown View.

Out and about in Westmoreland

It was good to get out in the ward on Friday 16th January and to meet so many residents in Albany Road and Loxton Drive and to be able to talk about the issue that are affecting them.

We are currently going through all of the issues that were raised with us and will be in contact with local residents shortly with the out come of the issues that were raised with us.

The one issue that was very evident was the amount of litter in the area and we have asked that this area is cleaned up as a matter of priority.

Student flats for former Pub

We have just one planning application this month and the is for the conversion of the ground floor of the former Seven stars public house into 7 student lets.
This application was first registered on 12th January 2009 and has a decision date of 9th March 2009. The application registration number for this application is 08/04780/FUL and you can view the application by following the link on the application number.
Any representations on this application should be made in writing to Development Control, Trimbridge House, Trim Street, Bath BA1 2DP.  Alternatively representations can be made using the Planning Service pages of the Council's website  All representations must arrive no later than the 12th February 2009

Lidl planning application registered

We have Two planning applications registered this week the first one is for the erection of a two storey three bedroom dwelling on land to the rear of 89A/90 Lymore Ave.
The application was first registered on 6th January 2009 and has a decision date of 3rd March 2009. The application reference number is 09/00033/FUL and you can view the application by following the link on the application number.

The Second application is one that we have been expecting for some time now and that is an application to change the use to class B2 to Lidl foodstore and three retail units at the former Herman Miller Factory on the Lower Bristol Road.
The application was first registered on 8th January 2009 and has a decision date of 9th April 2009. The application reference number is 09/00045/FUL and you can view the application by following the link on the application number.

Any representations on these applications should be made in writing to Development Control, Trimbridge House, Trim Street, Bath BA1 2DP.  Alternatively representations can be made using the Planning Service pages of the Council’s website  All representations must arrive no later than the 12th February 2009

Travellers Former Herman Miller site

Cllr Sharon Ball has submitted to following questions to the Conservative Executive Member for Highways and the environment concerning the travellers on the Former Herman Miller site on the Lower Bristol Road at the Bath & North East Somerset Council Cabinet meeting on 14th January. We will publish the reply next week and then we can see what is really going on.

1) With travellers constantly on the former Herman Miller site on the Lower Bristol Road can the Cabinet member say why it has taken so longto move on the current travellers that have been there for quite a few weeks now and when can we expect to see this site clear?

2) Can the Cabinet member tell us what progress has been made in identifying appropriate travellers sites in Bath & North East Somerset?

3) If appropriate sites have been identified can the Cabinet member tell us when we can expect to see these put in place and also tell us what consultation is proposed?

Bath Press Site Lower Bristol Road

Cllr Sharon Ball has submitted to following questions to the Conservative Executive Member for Development concerning the Bath Press site at the Bath & North East Somerset Council Cabinet meeting on 14th January. We will publish the reply next week and then we can see what is really going on.

1) Can the Cabinet member enlighten us as to what progress is being made with the potential developer of the Former Bath Press site on the Lower Bristol Road?

2) Is the Council considering a development brief for the Bath Press site and are they working with the site owners on such a brief that may include small starter business units?

3) Many residents are concerned that the Historic frontage to the Former Bath Press building might be lost when this site is redeveloped, can the Cabinet member enlighten us to any talks with the potential developer that may lead to a protection of this frontage?