Monday, 20 December 2010

Archive December 2008

Coronation Ave

An order to the contractor to refresh the hatching marks on the build outs in Coronation Avenue, has been placed by Bath & North East Somerset Council.
This is on a twenty eight day order so the works should be completed by the end of December 2008.

Highway reports Westmoreland

The latest Highway report for 2008 has been published and you can see how any road works in our area affect you just follow the link.

Westmoreland Road reports

If you want to report a Highways or road repair issue the follow the link below.

Highway repairs

New outbuilding proposed at 40 Lymore Ave

A new planning application has been received for the erection of a new outbuilding following demolition of an existing one at 40 Lymore Ave.

The application was first registered on 17th December 2008 and has a decision date of 11th February 2009.

The application reference number is 08/04704/FUL and you can view the application by following the link on the application number.
Any representations on this application should be made in writing to Development Control, Trimbridge House, Trim Street, Bath BA1 2DP.  Alternatively representations can be made using the Planning Service pages of the Council’s website  All representations must arrive no later than the 21st January 2009.

Lower Bristol Road Clean up demanded

The condition of the Lower Bristol Road has deteriorated badly over the past few weeks with litter and rubbish at every point the grass verges are full of it as well as the road.
Councillor Sharon Ball has called for action to have the litter removed from this road and for it to be kept clean. A letter has been sent to the executive member for Highways and Transport who is also responsible for street cleaning demanding that more attention is given to this area.

Chef's Larder

We have just one new planning application this week and that is for provision of new non-illuminated signage at Chefs Larder Bellotts Road.
The application was first registered on 11th December 2008 and has a decision date of 5th February 2009.

The application reference number is 08/04309/AR and you can view the application by following the link on the application number.

Any representations on this application should be made in writing to Development Control, Trimbridge House, Trim Street, Bath BA1 2DP.  Alternatively representations can be made using the Planning Service pages of the Council’s website  All representations must arrive no later than the 8th January 2009.


One Stop Shop 3 The Hollow

We have a planning application registered for the display of an internally illuminated wall mounted display unit at the One Stop Shop at 3 the Hollow.
 The application was first registered on 1st December 2008 and has a decision date of 26th January 2009. The application registration number is 08/04449/AR and your can view the application by following the link on the application number.
 Any representations on this application should be made in writing to Development Control, Trimbridge House, Trim Street, Bath BA1 2DP.  Alternatively representations can be made using the Planning Service pages of the Council’s website  All representations must arrive no later than the 8th January 2009.

New House extension at Ringwood Road

We have just on new planning application this week and that is for the erection of a single storey extension at 34A Ringwood Road. The application was first registered on 24th November 2008 and has a decision date 19th January 2009.

The application reference number is 08/04401/FUL and you can view the application by following the link on the application number.

Any representations on this application should be made in writing to Development Control, Trimbridge House, Trim Street, Bath BA1 2DP.  Alternatively representations can be made using the Planning Service pages of the Council’s website  All representations must arrive no later than the 28th December 2008.

Travellers on Herman Miller Site

We  have again complained to the council about the travellers on The Herman Miller site.
We have asked that the travellers are moved on as soon as possible as they are making  quite a nuisence of themselves.
The site is also owned by Lidl who have listed building planning consent to put a supermarket on this site.