Deeley Freed (Penhalt) Ltd invite your input to emerging plans for re-development of the Roseberry Place regeneration site which adjoins Lower Bristol Road and Windsor Bridge Road, about 1km to the west of Bath city centre.
This brownfield, riverside site includes the former Dairy Crest Depot and Wessex Connect workshops, both of which have been unused for many years. Roseberry Place is located within the Bath City Riverside Enterprise Area and has been identified for regeneration in the adopted Core Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset Council.
The existing buildings would be demolished to make way for a new mixed-use development of up to 200 flats, 6,000 sq.m of flexible business employment space and 1,000sq.m of local needs shopping, together with construction of new access roads, a riverside walkway/cycle path, landscaping and tree planting.
Following initial discussions with B&NES Council the project team would now like to consult with key stakeholders and neighbours as the scheme is progressed prior to submitting an outline planning application later in 2015. Final details of the appearance, landscaping layout and scale would be submitted as reserved matters applications at a later date.
They invite you to attend the consultation event on:
Wednesday 14th January from 2 – 3.30pm
The Freedom Bath Building, 25-28 Roseberry Road, Bath, BA2 3DX
Key stakeholders are invited to attend a presentation/discussion session from 2 – 3.30pm, following which an exhibition of the proposals will be open to near neighbours and the general public as a drop-in style event from 4pm-7pm.
To assist with arrangements on the day you are requested to complete and return a form, a copy of which we would be happy to forward onto you if you contact us.
If you would like any further information or clarification on any aspect of the proposals please do not hesitate to contact Avril Baker Consultancy, 5 Lilymead Avenue, Bristol BS4 2BY.
This brownfield, riverside site includes the former Dairy Crest Depot and Wessex Connect workshops, both of which have been unused for many years. Roseberry Place is located within the Bath City Riverside Enterprise Area and has been identified for regeneration in the adopted Core Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset Council.
The existing buildings would be demolished to make way for a new mixed-use development of up to 200 flats, 6,000 sq.m of flexible business employment space and 1,000sq.m of local needs shopping, together with construction of new access roads, a riverside walkway/cycle path, landscaping and tree planting.
Following initial discussions with B&NES Council the project team would now like to consult with key stakeholders and neighbours as the scheme is progressed prior to submitting an outline planning application later in 2015. Final details of the appearance, landscaping layout and scale would be submitted as reserved matters applications at a later date.
They invite you to attend the consultation event on:
Wednesday 14th January from 2 – 3.30pm
The Freedom Bath Building, 25-28 Roseberry Road, Bath, BA2 3DX
Key stakeholders are invited to attend a presentation/discussion session from 2 – 3.30pm, following which an exhibition of the proposals will be open to near neighbours and the general public as a drop-in style event from 4pm-7pm.
To assist with arrangements on the day you are requested to complete and return a form, a copy of which we would be happy to forward onto you if you contact us.
If you would like any further information or clarification on any aspect of the proposals please do not hesitate to contact Avril Baker Consultancy, 5 Lilymead Avenue, Bristol BS4 2BY.