Saturday, 30 August 2014

Westmoreland walk around

After a walk around with Curo last week we can report that the following issues were raised to be sorted out and we will be working with both Curo and the Council to resolve these matters.

 Rooksbridge Walk

 We have asked the council to clear the weeds from the footpaths at Rooksbridge walk and Loxton Drive the pictures show these have got out of hand.

We would hope that this work could be carried out quite quickly

Loxton Drive

We have asked the Curo to follow up on their promises and remove the old planters that have now become dangerous.

We have also asked the council to jet wash part of the parking area at Loxton Drive.

May residents have complained about the number 40 just being painted on the stone and we have asked Curo to remove this.

We have asked Curo to tidy up the area beside 31.

Priddy Close

Again we have the problem of fly tipping beside the garages at Priddy Close and we will be working with the council and Curo to have this removed and attempt to identify who is dumping at this location.

Albany Road

Cllr Sharon Ball has been helping residents with the aftermath of a sewer overflow last week and has been in touch with both Curo and Wessex water to identify why the blockage keeps happening.

It seems that there may be one very irresponsible resident who is flushing disposable nappies down the drain and we have asked Curo to write to all their tenants to refrain from this sort of activity.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Lidl at last ( The Final steps )

The work on Lidl is at last starting and will soon be very obvious to residents that live nearby; a protective wooden fence has already gone up around the site, and development of the building starts today.

It was good to meet with senior Lidl staff last week to review progress to date and to learn that the potential opening date was for February 2015, both the Leader of the Council Paul Crossley and Cabinet member Homes and planning Tim Ball were also present.

The asbestos and scrappy sides of the building are to be transformed but the very special roof that is the reason the building is listed are being cleaned and repaired and will be a special feature of the store.

Lidl are delighted with the help we gave them in resolving the impass with the other landowner - Sharon Ball for giving the idea to transport access to the site and Tim Ball for determining that Lidl could clad just their part of the store and leave the rest to the other owner to repair.