Thursday, 1 August 2013

Can't afford your Water Meter Bill

 The WaterSure scheme is available for certain customers with a water meter. It allows them to have their bills capped. This is to make sure that these customers don’t cut back on how much water they use because they are worried about how they will pay their bill.
To qualify for help under the WaterSure scheme, you or someone living with you, needs be entitled to receive one of the following:
  • council tax benefit
  • housing benefit
  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (except families in receipt of the family element only)
  • Pension Credit
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
In addition, you need to either:
  • be responsible for three or more children under the age of 19 and in full-time education living in the property, or
  • have (or someone living in the property must have) a medical condition which requires significant additional use of water. Examples of medical conditions include weeping skin diseases (such as psoriasis), Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.
If you qualify for WaterSure, you will pay no more than the average household bill for your company (XLS), even if you use more than the average amount of water.
You will not qualify for WaterSure if you use a garden sprinkler system or have a swimming pool.
If you think you are eligible for WaterSure, you will need to apply through your water company.
More information on benefits, including those listed above is available from Directgov.

Thanks to Lib Dem Councillor Steve Beasant for this information.

By Councillor Sharon Ball