Sunday, 9 December 2012

Westmoreland walkabout

Whilst out delivering the new South West Bath Tri-ward Focus leaflet today I came across a couple of issues that I have reported to BANES and Curo.

I have requested that the blocked drains on Brook 
Road and in the car park off Bellotts Road are 
cleared as soon as possible.

There are alot of leaves and other rubbish blocking
them and will prevent the easy draining of any rain 
water that we are likely to receive.

I have also asked that the pile of clothes that have been left in Caledonian Road are cleared.

There are a number of charities that would be happy to recycle this type of rubbish and collection bags/information is regularly posted through doors.

Please can your refrain from putting any rubbish bags out on days when rubbish is not being collected as they end up being ripped open and spread down the street.

Sarah Moore