Saturday, 30 June 2012

HMO Garden rubbish

We are determined to ensure that all of the rubbish left behind in Student household gardens is cleared away as quickly as possible.

A response from the council tells us that although they have no powers to enforce people to immediately clean up their own land unless there is a risk to public health.

The council approach is firstly to knock on doors and speak to people. This brings about some success but many properties are now empty so this is not very effective.

The next step is contact the landlords (obtaining details from colleagues in HMO Licensing) and give them a set period of time in which to remove rubbish. "Of course it will be much easier to have all the details of properties when the council makes licensing of HMO's a requirement".

If that fails then the council will look to issue Litter Clearance Notices under s.92A EPA 1990.