Cllr Sharon Ball has asked for the fly tipping at Loxton Drive to be cleaned up.
If you know who has dumped here then please let us know.
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
The trials of another election in Westmoreland are nearly at an end.
We are both pleased to receive so much positive support from local residents despite the national picture.
It is truly humbling to hear how much Westmoreland residents appreciate the work that we have been doing over the years.
We are fighting off another tough challenge from the Conservatives so every vote will count on Thursday, what is clear is that Labour and Greens are already out of the race so it is only The Liberal Democrats that can stop the Conservatives.
If you live in Westmoreland please vote wisely on Thursday and use both your votes and don’t split your votes.
you have two votes
1 Sharon Ball X
2 other
3 Matt Hemsley X
4 other
5 other
6 other
7 other
8 other
9 other
Published and promoted by N Combes on behalf of S Ball & M Hemsley 31 James Street West Bath BA1 2BT