Monday, 20 December 2010

Archive March 2009

Road Reports for our area.

The latest road reports for our local area are now available for you to view by following the link below. The area generally seems to have little activity but there is likely to be a disturbance to the residents of Victoria buildings in early April.
Road Reports Westmoreland
If you would like to report a problem or a highway issue that is causing you a concern then please follow this link
Road problems

New Development Lymore Ave

We have a new planning application for the erection of a two storey three bedroom dwelling on land to the rear of 89A/90 Lymore Avenue.
The planning application was first submitted on 13th March 2009 and has a decission date of 8th May 2009. The application registration number is 09/00875/FUL and you can view the application by following the link on the application number.
Any representations on these applications should be made in writing to Development Control, Trimbridge House, Trim Street, Bath BA1 2DP. Alternatively representations can be made using the Planning Service pages of the Council’s website All representation must arrive no later than the 13th April 2009.

Westmoreland PACT dates released,

The dates for the Westmoreland PACTS have just been released for the year ahead and are as follows.
Wednesday 8th April 2009 Oldfield Park Baptist Church 7pm.
Thursday 24th September 2009 Oldfield Park Baptist Church 7pm.
Thursday 22nd April 2010 Oldfield Park Baptist Church 7pm .
Thursday 30th September 2010 Oldfield Park Baptist Church 7pm.

First Bus reduce services

We have just received notification from First Bus that they are reducing the frequency of their buses into Twerton. The Number 5 Bus is being reduced from a 10 minute service at Off Peak times to 12 minutes although we have been assured that Peak services on the number 5 will be unaffected. Although we are sceptical as for the reasons for these changes as many of us wait for sometimes half an hour fro a bus we wonder how long we will now have to wait.

What really concerns us is the complete withdraw of the number 20A & 20C Bus Service as this will affect many elderly pensioners who reply on this bus to be able to get their shopping done and to be able to collect their pensions.

We have contacted first bus and have asked for an explanation of their decision. We have also asked the council if they will be tendering a new supported service for this route.

Bath Press website launched

St James Investment who are doing the public consultation on the Bath Press site as to what should go there have launched their web site.
It has an on-line consultation area. If you could not get to the first public meetings please feel free to add your comments views suggestions or simply see what is happening at Bath Press Link.
This site on the Lower Bristol Road is important to the whole of Bath so fully understanding residents wishes is an important part of the development.

Did you know?

Council connect now deal with all issues that relate to students in the City of Bath.
If you want to know about issues or talk about a problem then you can ring them on 394041.

Coronation Ave

An update has been received concerning the condition of Coronation Ave and the mess that the road has been left in. We have been told that one business and several Houses are responsible for leaving rubbish out on the wrong days and they are being written to by the council.
We are also chasing up complaints about the recycling people leaving a mess when they visit and we have asked that action is taken to prevent them causing a mess in the first place.
Coronation Ave was cleaned on Wednesday and should be a lot cleaner this weekend, we will keep an eye on this area and would ask residents to let us know if standards slip.

Bath Half Marathon March 15th how will you be affected

A reminder to residents that many roads across the area will have restricted access to the Lower Bristol Road Sunday 15th March 9.30am until later in the afternoon on due to the Bath Half Marathon taking place.
So if you are planning to go out please be aware of the restriction not only to the Lower Bristol Road but also to parking restrictions that may apply to roads that you may live in.
All residents if unsure should check the yellow signs that have been displayed on lamp posts in the affected areas and take notice of the information displayed.
Westmoreland Councillor Sharon Ball is running in the half Marathon that day and Westmoreland residents are encouraged to cheer her on from the observation points.

Coronation Ave.

We have had many problems over the past few months with litter and rubbish being scattered and left on Coronation Ave.
The council at our request have done several checks on this road and have found that the problem occurs after the recycling collection has taken place.
We have now asked that the recycling people are brought to task and made to clear up behind themselves.

Lymore Avenue

We have requested that the speed of motor vehicles along Lymore Avenue be checked and speed strips will be laid. When we have the results we will report back.

Victoria Close junction with Dartmouth Ave.

The new Bath spa university development on Dartmouth Ave has caused a Major Highway Parking issue on Victoria Close.
Cars that are using the new Bath Spa University site have been parking on the corners of these roads making it very difficult for cars or small buses to enter of leave Victoria Close.
We have therefore asked that the council introduce formal measures to restrict parking at the corners of these Junctions.

Vince Cable in Bath,

As we move into spring and the good weather returns it is clear that the recession is still deepening and the consequences will affect many families. Throughout the last few years one politician - regardless of party - has been earning the plaudits of all economic commentators both here and abroad. That is Vince Cable MP. Now it is our chance to hear him on Thursday April 16th 7pm at St Micheal's Church in Broad Street as the latest guest from the bookshop Toppings and Co. Tickets cost £7 which includes a glass of wine and your entry price is refunded if you buy the book on the night.

Same Day Waste Collection is coming

Over the years as the Council has introduced different recycling and collection schemes we have ended up with a system where you put one box out one day another on another day and your garden waste on a third. In certain areas different boxes were also put out in differing locations.

The first step was to get all residents to put all collections out to the same spot. The next step was to have been to move to same day collection in the autumn of 2007. However the current Conservative administration put that back a year and a half and it will now be happening this summer.

This is good news for us all as we now have all collections done on the same day. As a bonus this step also has the side effect of increasing re-cycling rates by about 6%.   More information on this move can be found at this LINK - SAME DAY WASTE COLLECTION

We will keep you regularly updated on this important change.

Some news from Joe Scofield's excellent website Proud of Twerton

Young Drummers!!
Percussion and Drumming Project for 13 to 17 year-olds. Free workshops run by a professional musician at Culverhay School, with the chance to learn simple and complex rhythms and techniques. Drumming can be performed in its own right or as part of a group of musicians. Join any time. Telephone 01225 473284.

Starting on 10th March, Tea and Dance mornings for people aged over 60 will take place at the Carrswood Day Service opposite Cleeve Green, every Tuesday from 10.15am to 11.45am. Price: £1. For more information telephone 01225 339342.

The White Horse Pub at Shophouse Road has entered a boules team into a pub league with matches to be played at Queen Square in Bath. If you would like to join the team you can come and practice at The White Horse on Sundays from 6.30pm. A boules set that you can use is kept behind the bar.