Friday, 18 December 2015

Lymore Gardens/Claude Vale Planning Application

I am pleased to confirm that following my lobbying of Local Councillor Paul Crossley, he put forward a motion to the Development Control committee to refuse the planning application for the building of 8 flats on land by Lymore Gardens and Claude Vale.

After talking with local residents, I agreed that this application would cause an increased strain on the already difficult parking situation in Lymore Gardens and would also create additional traffic trying to pull out onto Lymore Avenue at an awkward Junction.  These were just a couple of reasons I requested refusal of the application should be considered.

This motion was accepted at the meeting on 16th December, with 7 voting for, 1 against and 2 abstentions.  

This application could be subject to an appeal, however, we will keep you informed of the outcome of this.