Wednesday, 29 December 2010

CHANGES TO BUS SERVICES 12 & 12A starting 6 February 2011

The Council have announced that there will be changes to the 12 & 12A bus service that runs through Westmoreland after operator Faresaver announced that it was unwilling to run some services. Below is the new timetable that will run from 12th Feb 201.

starting 6 February 2011

Owing to low passenger use, the peak hour journeys on Mondays to Fridays and early morning journey on Saturdays will be withdrawn after 5 February 2011. There will be other changes to the timetable to improve punctuality.

12 via The Hollow, Lymore Avenue, Claude Avenue, Bridge Road, Cynthia Road, Herbert Road, Livingstone Road, Brougham Hayes, Lower Oldfield Park, Westmoreland Road, Lower Bristol Road, Churchill Bridge, Broad Quay, Ambury.

12A via The Hollow, Lymore Avenue, Dartmouth Avenue, Millmead Road, Lyndhurst Road, West Avenue, Triangle North, Stanley Road West, Brougham Hayes, Lower Oldfield Park, Westmoreland Road, Lower Bristol Road, Churchill Bridge, Broad Quay, Ambury.

Mondays to Fridays (not Bank Holidays)

Service number 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

WHITEWAY, Haycombe Cemetery 0905 0935 1005 1035 1105 1135 1205 1235 1305 1335 1435

The Hollow, Innox Road 0908 0938 1008 1038 1108 1138 1208 1238 1308 1338 1438

Claude Avenue, Ascension Church 0910 0940 1010 1040 1110 1140 1210 1240 1310 1340 1440

Oldfield Park, Livingstone Road 0912 0942 1012 1042 1112 1142 1212 1242 1312 1342 1442

Green Park Tavern 0915 0945 1015 1045 1115 1145 1215 1245 1315 1345 1445
CITY CENTRE, Ambury 0918 0948 1018 1048 1118 1148 1218 1248 1318 1348 1448


Service number 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A

WHITEWAY, Haycombe Cemetery 0900 0940 1020 1100 1140 1220 1340 1420 1500 1540 1620

The Hollow, Innox Road 0904 0944 1024 1104 1144 1224 1344 1424 1504 1544 1624

Dartmouth Avenue, Linear Park 0908 0948 1028 1108 1148 1228 1348 1428 1508 1548 1628

Oldfield Park, Stanley Road West 0910 0950 1030 1110 1150 1230 1350 1430 1510 1550 1630

Green Park Tavern 0914 0954 1034 1114 1154 1234 1354 1434 1514 1554 1634
CITY CENTRE, Ambury 0918 0958 1038 1118 1158 1238 1358 1438 1518 1558 1638

Sundays & Bank Holidays

Service number 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A

WHITEWAY, Haycombe Cemetery 0946 1046 1146 1246 1346 1446 1546 1646 1746

The Hollow, Innox Road 0949 1049 1149 1249 1349 1449 1549 1649 1749

Dartmouth Avenue, Linear Park 0951 1051 1151 1251 1351 1451 1551 1651 1751

Oldfield Park, Stanley Road West 0953 1053 1153 1253 1353 1453 1553 1653 1753

Green Park Tavern 0956 1056 1156 1256 1356 1456 1556 1656 1756
CITY CENTRE, Ambury 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800

Note: - near railway station

Service 12 is operated by Faresaver. Service 12A is operated under contract to Bath & North East Somerset Council by Faresaver on Saturdays and by First on Sundays & Bank Holidays. This timetable has been produced by Bath & North East Somerset Council from information supplied by the operators.

Operators’ contact details: Faresaver telephone: 01249 444444 e-mail:
First telephone: 0845 606 4446 e-mail:

starting 6 February 2011

Owing to low passenger use, the peak hour journeys on Mondays to Fridays and early morning journey on Saturdays will be withdrawn after 5 February 2011. There will be other changes to the timetable to improve punctuality.

CITY CENTRE - WHITEWAY via Oldfield Park 12 . 12A
12 & 12A via Ambury, Corn Street, St James’s Parade, Broad Quay, Churchill Bridge, Lower Bristol Road, Westmoreland Road, Lower Oldfield Park, Brougham Hayes, Livingstone Road, Moorland Road, Triangle North, West Avenue, Lyndhurst Road, Millmead Road, Dartmouth Avenue, Lymore Avenue, The Hollow.

Mondays to Fridays (not Bank Holidays)

Service number 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

CITY CENTRE, Ambury, stop Wp 0920 0950 1020 1050 1120 1150 1220 1250 1320 1420 1450
Green Park Tavern 0924 0954 1024 1054 1124 1154 1224 1254 1324 1424 1454
Oldfield Park, Moorland Road 0928 0958 1028 1058 1128 1158 1228 1258 1328 1428 1458

Dartmouth Avenue, Linear Park 0930A 1000A 1030A 1100A 1130A 1200A 1230A 1300A 1330AA 1500

The Hollow, Innox Road 0932 1002 1032 1102 1132 1202 1232 1302 1332 1432 1502

WHITEWAY, Haycombe Cemetery 0934 1004 1034 1104 1134 1204 1234 1304 1334 1434 1504


Service number 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A

CITY CENTRE, Ambury, stop Wp 0920 1000 1040 1120 1200 1320 1400 1440 1520 1600
Green Park Tavern 0924 1004 1044 1124 1204 1324 1404 1444 1524 1604
Oldfield Park, Moorland Road 0928 1008 1048 1128 1208 1328 1408 1448 1528 1608

Dartmouth Avenue, Linear Park 0931 1011 1051 1131 1211 1331 1411 1451 1531 1611

The Hollow, Innox Road 0933 1013 1053 1133 1213 1333 1413 1453 1533 1613

WHITEWAY, Haycombe Cemetery 0938 1018 1058 1138 1218 1338 1418 1458 1538 1618

Sundays & Bank Holidays

Service number 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A 12A

CITY CENTRE, Ambury, stop Wp 1030 1130 1230 1330 1430 1530 1630 1730 1840
Green Park Tavern 1034 1134 1234 1334 1434 1533 1634 1734 1844
Oldfield Park, Moorland Road 1036 1136 1236 1336 1436 1536 1636 1736 1846

Dartmouth Avenue, Linear Park 1039 1139 1239 1339 1439 1539 1639 1739 1849

The Hollow, Innox Road 1041 1141 1241 1341 1441 1541 1641 1741 1851

WHITEWAY, Haycombe Cemetery 1044 1144 1244 1344 1444 1544 1644 1744 1854

Notes: A - passengers wishing to travel to City Centre should board this bus and travel via Whiteway
- near railway station

Service 12 is operated by Faresaver. Service 12A is operated under contract to Bath & North East Somerset Council by Faresaver on Saturdays and by First on Sundays & Bank Holidays. This timetable has been produced by Bath & North East Somerset Council from information supplied by the operators.

Operators’ contact details: Faresaver telephone: 01249 444444 e-mail:
First telephone: 0845 606 4446 e-mail:

Local Lib Dems call on First Great Western to keep commuter trains stopping at Oldfield Park Station

Don Foster MP for Bath and local Lib Dem Councillors have called on First Great Western to reverse a decision that will stop a busy commuter train stopping at Oldfield Park station.

First Great Western has announced that the service departing Filton Abbey Wood at 17:09 and Bristol Temple Meads at 17:23 will no longer stop at Oldfield Park station.

This service was crucial for a large number of residents living in the South West of Bath using it on a daily basis. As a result, commuters will be expected to get one of the already over-crowded trains leaving Bristol Temple Meads at 17:14 or 17:49.

Westmoreland Community News member Matt Hemsley, who is a commuter between Oldfield Park and Bristol Temple Meads, raised the issue with Don. Matt said, "This loss of this service is a great worry among commuters on this route. Trains are already full at peak time, and removing this service is only going to make the situation worse. It is a regular occurrence to see people, especially cyclists, turned away."

Commenting Don Foster said, "I wrote to First Great Western in mid-November asking them why they have decided to stop this service from calling at Oldfield Park. I have also made enquiries to see what First Great Western's estimates the number of customers currently using the service are and what alternative services they expect them to use".

First Great Western replied that the other trains are less crowded. But this conflicts with the experience of passengers who claim that it is already over-crowded.

Waste Deposit site

For those of you with a lot of recycled material the council have provided a recycling and waste collection point at Bath City Football Club at Dominion Road.

The site has bee provided by the council for residents to use in the bad weather conditions and will remain there during the holiday period.

Residents will be able to deposit their rubbish and recycling at this collection point until early next week but please leave it a few hours for the current deposits to be removed. 

Residents can also take their waste and recycling to the transfer depot at Midland Bridge.

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Council Weather forcast and service update Christmas @ New Year

Weather Forecast

Between Friday and Sunday, the latest forecast from the Met Office states that the cold weather will continue, though it should be mostly dry with sunshine by day and some very severe frosts by night. There is a chance of rain or snow later on Boxing Day (Sunday). The longer range forecast is less certain but the Met Office predicts that conditions are expected to give way to outbreaks of rain and sleet, preceded by snow for many areas in the period between Christmas and New Year.

To minimise service disruption the Council is putting in place arrangements to ensure that services continue as normally as possible during the Christmas/ New Year period.

Highways Preparations

Highways staff will be working to ensure that all priority routes remain open throughout the Bank Holiday period, as well as car parks, Park and Ride sites, and key footways during this busy time for shopping and travelling.

We are relatively well-placed in terms of grit supplies compared to other areas and we today received a delivery of grit that will support salting throughout the Christmas/ New Year period. This is based upon gritting in normal winter conditions with careful planning and prioritisation of our stocks. The Council is engaging with suppliers and has placed orders for further grit, which are subject to the national demands on the salt supply chain. Highways staff have contingency plans in place if the weather significantly deteriorates. We may need to consider prioritising our use of salt.

Waste Collection Preparations

The Council has already issued advice to households on what to do if their waste collection is missed. This is available on our website. Staff will be working on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th December weather permitting to clear the backlog of collections from earlier this week.
The waste collection points that have been set-up will continue through the period and usage will be monitored by staff - the locations are available on our website. Additional vehicles and containers have been laid on to cope with the backlog and an anticipated increase in waste following the Christmas period. Extra staff will be working at the transfer stations to cope with this additional waste. Garden waste collection will continue to be suspended to allow extra resources to be put into the collection of domestic waste.

Vulnerable Adult Preparations
Adult social services have contingency plans in place for the Christmas/ New Year period. If there is severe weather during the holiday period and any resulting problems with home care services or services for adults with learning difficulties, personal contact will be made with anyone who is expecting a service. This contact will be made by their care provider and they would be kept updated throughout the day. Contingency arrangements are in place to reach clients living in difficult locations. Social care staff are on call 24 hours a day. If there are concerns about service provision they can be contacted through the St. Martins switchboard on

01225 831500.

There will be a Community Meals Service over the Christmas/ New Year period. This will operate on normal business days and clients will be offered a frozen meal for Bank Holidays and those days when a personal delivery is not scheduled to take place.  Those people unable to cook a frozen meal will be supported by their carers.

Other Service Preparations

It is anticipated that all other services that would operate during this period will run as normal and all have contingency plans in place to address severe weather conditions.


The Council will be issuing an update on its website every single day except Christmas Day and an update via Twitter will be issued at the same time. Subscribing to the Council’s Twitter Feed is the quickest way for residents to receive the latest information about our services –

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Severe Weather update 21st December 7am

Weather Forecast

Today, it is forecast for some light sleet or snow flurries in the afternoon with a more persistent spell of sleet or snow possible overnight and during Wednesday morning, with accumulations 2-5cm possible. Throughout the rest of Wednesday, some light snow showers are expected at times, but overall there will be a good deal of dry weather. It will remain cold.

Highways and Car Parks

Gritting crews gritted all the 260 miles of our priority route network with another salting run during the night.  All the main roads are  running normally.

However conditions on side roads, minor roads and untreated surfaces are particularly icy and difficult, especially as road temperatures fell to -2c during the night.  We would urge all pedestrians and drivers to exercise due care in these conditions. Drivers should watch out for ice, keep to the main roads and avoid side roads if at all possible.

All the car parks and park and ride sites will be treated as usual and are anticipated to remain open. Car parks and key footways in Keynsham and Midsomer Norton will also be attended to. 

It is hoped that the Park and Ride buses will be operating today. However the final decision will be taken by the bus operators First Bus.

Information on other bus services will be posted on this website today. 

Salt stocks

The Council has planned well in advance for the possibility of severe weather conditions. We have a 1,400 ton salt capacity at Clutton Depot and improved storage facilities at Braysdown. Our capacity is at an all time high this winter in order to salt 260 miles of priority routes across the district. This represents 38% of the total highways network – well above the national average of 30%. For us to complete this work, salt stocks and manpower must be prioritised.

The Council maintains 388 grit bins at present. Refilling bins during periods of adverse or severe weather/ snowfall is labour intensive and the salt stored in these is often spread too heavily, used on private drives, or sometimes stolen. We will continue to meet reasonable requests to refill grit bins, although this ability depends upon the demands on resources of keeping the priority route road network gritted. 

Although the Council has ordered more salt to replenish stocks following the adverse weather experienced a few weeks ago, there is very high national demand for salt because of the problems experienced in the north and the south east already this winter. Should conditions become increasingly severe with even more ice and snow then the Council will need to consider taking measures to conserve salt supplies.

The Council is unable to supply salt to individual residents and in order to ensure  public safety residents should not attempt to collect salt from Clutton Depot. Electronic gates prevent public access and maintain security. 

Waste Collections

Because of the severe weather conditions experienced on Monday morning all waste collections were cancelled and garden waste collections have been stood down until further notice to allow our resources to be concentrated on domestic waste. We are unlikely to be able to conduct a full round of collections on Tuesday 21st December.

Households are being asked to put their waste out on their scheduled collection day. We will attempt to collect it, subject to weather conditions. If we are unable to collect waste, households have the following options:

·         Leave waste out and we will do our best to catch-up – this should not cause an obstruction on the highway or pavement;


·         Take the waste back into storage and put it out again on the next scheduled collection day;


·         Take the waste to a collection point. These have been set-up at Odd Down Park & Ride (6.30am – 9.30pm), Newbridge Park & Ride (6.30am – 9.30pm), and Bath City FC Twerton (open all hours). These will also operate on Tuesday 21st December and will include recycling facilities from tomorrow. On Tuesday 21st December, a collection point will be established at Tescos, Midsomer Norton from 8.30am (open all hours);


·         Households may also take it to their local Recycling Centre.

In common with all local authorities nationwide, public safety is paramount when we make a decision on conducting waste collections during adverse weather conditions. When conditions are icy it is unsafe for both pedestrians and vehicles to have waste vehicles weighing up to 20 tonnes negotiating narrow residential streets and collecting waste.

In some cases, residents may have their recycling collected and residual waste not collected (or vice-versa). As well as varying conditions during the day being a factor, recycling vehicles are smaller and weigh less (around 12 tonnes compared to 20) than residual waste collection vehicles meaning they are more manoeuvrable.

Heritage Services

All the Council's Heritage buildings are anticipated to be open as normal today (Tuesday). This includes the Fashion Museum, Roman Baths, the Pump Room and the Victoria Art Gallery.

Adult Social Care

Clara Cross Rehab Unit: Tuesday Dec 21 - All clinics and exercise groups are cancelled.

Further  information will be posted on the website, when available.

Adult care services, clients, carers and relatives should be assured if there is severe weather and any resulting problems with home care services or services for adults with learning difficulties, personal contact will be made with anyone who is expecting a service. This contact will be made by their care provider and they would be kept updated throughout the day. Contingency arrangements are in place to reach clients living in difficult locations.

Other Services

Schools have broken up for Christmas. There is information about Children's Centres and Community Resource Centres on

It is anticipated that the libraries, Council Connect, the Contact Centre and Shopmobility will be open today.  

There could be disruption to some services over the coming days and especially those susceptible to icy and snowy conditions. The Council will keep people updated through its website – - about the impact on services – any updates will also be highlighted through its Twitter Feed

For more information

1. The quickest and most direct way of bringing to our attention a problem on the roads, or any other service, is by contacting the Council via the following methods

2. The Council’s website will be updated regularly to keep residents up to date about general information:

3. All other enquiries should be made to Council Connect on 01225 394041 between 8am – 6pm weekdays (Wednesday 9.30am – 6pm);

4. Outside of these times the Council’s Out of Office Emergency number is 01225 477 477;

5.People can email on or SMS text on 07797806545. These can be contacted 24 hours a day and a response will be sent next working day. These methods should not be used for emergency communication.

Service specific telephone numbers

Enquiries about Adult care transport should call 01225 394371.

For information on the wider public transport network, bus passengers can call Traveline on 0871 200 2233

Monday, 20 December 2010

Severe Weather Updates Cold weather service update 20th December 4pm

Weather forecast

Most of the district experienced snow showers during the early morning and the afternoon. This combined with sub-zero road temperatures has made conditions extremely difficult. On Tuesday, it is forecast for some light sleet or snow showers in the afternoon with a more persistent spell of sleet or snow possible overnight and during Wednesday morning, with accumulations 2-5cm possible. Throughout the rest of Wednesday, some light snow showers are expected at time, but overall there will be a good deal of dry weather. It will remain cold.

In light of today’s weather and forecast conditions over the coming days we will be reviewing how we run the most severely affected services to get through this period of exceptionally bad weather.

Roads update

Road conditions in some parts of the district have become extremely hazardous. Teams of gritting crews have responded to the prevailing road conditions around the clock – another salting run will be conducted at 7pm this evening. Council gritting crews will continue to work 24 hours a day to salt the 260 miles of priority routes on the road network.

We cannot afford to be complacent with our salt stocks and will continue to prioritise the use of salt accordingly. It is our policy that side roads will not be gritted. But in these exceptional circumstances we will endeavour to redeploy any available resources to assist communities that are struggling in the conditions.

For the time being, we will continue to meet reasonable requests to refill grit bins, although this ability depends upon the demands on resources of keeping the priority route road network gritted. A significant amount of work has taken place to keep Council facilities, like car parks and Park and Ride services, operating normally in response to icy conditions.

Although the Council has ordered more salt to replenish stocks following the adverse weather experienced a few weeks ago, there is very high national demand for salt because of the problems experienced in the north and the south east already this winter. The Council is considering what measures need to be taken to conserve salt supplies so that we can continue to grit our priority route network.

Waste Collections

Because of the severe weather conditions experienced on Monday morning all waste collections were cancelled and garden waste collections have been stood down until further notice to allow our resources to be concentrated on domestic waste. We are unlikely to be able to conduct a full round of collections on Tuesday 21st December.

Households are being asked to put their waste out on their scheduled collection day. We will attempt to collect it, subject to weather conditions. If we are unable to collect waste, households have the following options:

·         Leave waste out and we will do our best to catch-up – this should not cause an obstruction on the highway or pavement;


·         Take the waste back into storage and put it out again on the next scheduled collection day;


·         Take the waste to a collection point. These have been set-up at Odd Down Park & Ride (6.30am – 9.30pm), Newbridge Park & Ride (6.30am – 9.30pm), and Bath City FC Twerton (open all hours). These will also operate on Tuesday 21st December and will include recycling facilities from tomorrow. On Tuesday 21st December, a collection point will be established at Tescos, Midsomer Norton from 8.30am (open all hours);


·         Households may also take it to their local Recycling Centre.

Staff will work Bank Holidays on Monday 27th, Tuesday 28th, and Sunday 2nd January 2011 if needs be.

In common with all local authorities nationwide, public safety is paramount when we make a decision on conducting waste collections during adverse weather conditions. When conditions are icy it is unsafe for both pedestrians and vehicles to have waste vehicles weighing up to 20 tonnes negotiating narrow residential streets and collecting waste.

In some cases, residents may have their recycling collected and residual waste not collected (or vice-versa). As well as varying conditions during the day being a factor, recycling vehicles are smaller and weigh less (around 12 tonnes compared to 20) than residual waste collection vehicles meaning they are more manoeuvrable.

Other services

Schools have now broken-up for Christmas holidays today.

The severe weather has affected some adult social care services with disruption to day services, health visits, and some activity groups. Adult care services, clients, carers and relatives should be assured if there is severe weather and any resulting problems with home care services or services for adults with learning difficulties, personal contact will be made with anyone who is expecting a service. This contact will be made by their care provider and they would be kept updated throughout the day. Contingency arrangements are in place to reach clients living in difficult locations.

Social care staff are on call 24 hours a day. If there are concerns about service provision they can be contacted through the St. Martins switchboard on 01225 831000.


The local media, including radio stations, are being issued with service status updates. However, the media cannot be relied upon to report every update. Subscribing to the Council’s Twitter Feed is the quickest way for residents to receive the latest information about our services –

Local residents can find also out the latest service situation by going to and clicking on ‘Severe Weather Updates’. Please encourage your local residents to use these methods of obtaining information wherever possible.

Cross-party support to tackle urban gulls

We are pleased to be able to report that Don Foster, MP for Bath and 17 other MP’s have written to Caroline Spelman at DEFRA to demand more money is put into research of urban gulls. The cross-party group of MP’s are highlighting how much of a nuisance urban gulls are in their constituencies and how little research there currently is into this problem.

Westmoreland in Bath as Don well knows, has long suffered from Urban Gulls with regular reports of aggressive behaviour, rubbish be strewn across streets and even attacks on property.

Commenting Don Foster said, “It is essential that we put an end to this problem. We need more government funded research if we are to find a humane and effective method of controlling gull numbers.”

He continued, “Urban Gulls remain a nuisance for many of my constituents who have written to me about the issue.  As such, I will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that this problem is dealt with.”

New site for Westmoreland Community News

All posts with regards to Westmoreland Community News will now appear here as the read my day web site is being run down

Archive December 2010

Weather Update 20th December

Weather Forecast It remain dry through the night (Sunday night), with temperatures falling to well below freezing causing ice, especially on untreated roads.  However there is a band of snow moving across towards the Bath and North East Somerset area. It is expected that up to 8cm of snow will arrive at about 7.30 am today. The snow is expected to be widespread. There also is a risk of further snow showers during the day. Road temperatures will continue to be below zero and this will make untreated roads particularly icy and difficult.  Highways and Car Parks Highways Inspectors have been out monitoring the road network from 4am   The gritting crews gritted all the 260 miles of main roads during the night and are currently out gritting the network in preparation for the snow due to arrive shortly. Even with the snow currently forecast, it is anticipated that all the main roads will be passable with care. However conditions on side roads, minor roads and untreated surfaces are particularly icy and difficult, especially if new snow falls on untreated ice.  We would urge all pedestrians and drivers to exercise due care in these conditions. Drivers should allow themselves more time to get to their destination and leave earlier.  They should also watch out for ice, keep to the main roads and avoid side roads if at all possible. All the car parks and park and ride sites have been gritted today and are anticipated to remain open. The Council's Neighbourhood team are ready to deal with any snow. Car parks and key footways in Keynsham and Midsomer Norton will also be attended to.  It is hoped that the Park and Ride buses will be operating today. However the final decision will be taken by the bus operators First Bus. Members of the public expecting to use this service should check on the First Bus website (see below) for further information before making their journey. Buses Before setting out anybody thinking of travelling by bus should look on the First Bus website  for the latest information. Salt stocks The Council has planned well in advance for the possibility of severe weather conditions. We have a 1,400 ton salt capacity at Clutton Depot and improved storage facilities at Braysdown. Our capacity is at an all time high this winter in order to salt 260 miles of priority routes across the district. This represents 38% of the total highways network – well above the national average of 30%. For us to complete this work, salt stocks and manpower must be prioritised. The Council maintains 388 grit bins at present. Refilling bins during periods of adverse or severe weather/ snowfall is labour intensive and the salt stored in these is often spread too heavily, used on private drives, or sometimes stolen. We will continue to meet reasonable requests to refill grit bins, although this ability depends upon the demands on resources of keeping the priority route road network gritted.  Although the Council has ordered more salt to replenish stocks following the adverse weather experienced a few weeks ago, there is very high national demand for salt because of the problems experienced in the north and the south east already this winter. Should conditions become increasingly severe with even more ice and snow then the Council will need to consider taking measures to conserve salt supplies. The Council is unable to supply salt to individual residents and in order to ensure  public safety residents should not attempt to collect salt from Clutton Depot. Electronic gates prevent public access and maintain security.  Waste Collection  Depending on the extent of the snow and the icy conditions there could be some disruption to waste collections today (Monday). The Council's advice is that the public should put their waste out as planned. If it is not collected, the Council would prefer residents to take their waste back onto their property until the next scheduled collection day. If this is not possible because conditions underfoot are treacherous or footpaths on the property are unsafe, then the items may be left out so long as it does not cause an obstruction on the footway. In common with all local authorities nationwide, public safety is of paramount importance when decisions are made on collecting waste during the adverse weather. When conditions are icy it is unsafe for both pedestrians and other vehicles to have waste vehicles weighing up to 20 tonnes negotiating narrow residential streets and collecting waste. In some cases, residents may have their recycling collected, as recycling vehicles are much smaller and more manoeuvrable. Heritage Services All the Council's Heritage buildings are anticipated to be open as normal today (Monday). This includes the Fashion Museum, Roman Baths, the Pump Room and the Victoria Art Gallery. Other Services There could be disruption to some services over the coming days and especially those susceptible to icy and snowy conditions, like waste collections. The Council will keep people updated through its website – - about the impact on services – any updates will also be highlighted through its Twitter Feed In respect of adult care services, clients, carers and relatives should be assured if there is severe weather and any resulting problems with home care services or services for adults with learning difficulties, personal contact will be made with anyone who is expecting a service. This contact will be made by their care provider and they would be kept updated throughout the day. Useful vulnerable adult telephone numbers: Community and Health Access Team: 01225 396000. Emergency Duty Team: 01454 615165 For more information 1. The quickest and most direct way of bringing to our attention a problem on the roads, or any other service, is by contacting the Council via the following methods 2. The Council’s website will be updated regularly to keep residents up to date about general information: 3. All other enquiries should be made to Council Connect on 01225 394041 between 8am – 6pm weekdays (Wednesday 9.30am – 6pm); 4. Outside of these times the Council’s Out of Office Emergency number is 01225 477 477; 5.People can email on or SMS text on 07797806545. These can be contacted 24 hours a day and a response will be sent next working day. These methods should not be used for emergency communication. Service specific telephone numbers Enquiries about Adult care transport should call 01225 394371. For information on the wider public transport network, bus passengers can call Traveline on 0871 200 2233

Severe Weather Updates

Cold weather service update  from Bath & North East Somerset Council – 2.12.10 (9.57 am)
Weather Forecast
There was further snowfall during the early hours of this morning across most of Bath and North East Somerset. In exposed locations and high ground the snow is up to 5cm deep in localised spots. The current temperature is about -3 C. Further snow is not expected today.
The cold temperatures look set to continue for the rest of the week. Updates are available at Council continues to monitor the conditions around the clock and will respond to the prevailing weather conditions.
The public should be aware of the very strong cold winds and sub zero temperatures. Drivers should take sensible winter precautions ensuring they have additional warm clothing in the event of any vehicle breakdown, carry a mobile phone and ensure their vehicle is good working order.
Read More

Remember loved ones at Haycombe Cemetery

Sunday 12 December 2010, 3pm, Top Chapel, Haycombe Cemetery and Crematorium
Bath & North East Somerset Council is hosting a special festive memorial ceremony at Haycombe Cemetery on 12 December. At the ceremony, which is open to all, visitors will have the chance to light a candle and place a tag on the Christmas tree in memory of loved ones.
Also taking part in the ceremony will be the Chairman of the Council, the Mayor of Bath and the Salvation Army. 

Refuse & Recycling collections over the Christmas Period

Bank Holiday Collections

Image of Refuse Vehicle
Domestic recycling, refuse and composting collections operate as normal during all Bank Holidays, except the Christmas/New Year period.
Recycling and waste collection over Christmas and New Year 2010/11
Only residents  whose usual collection day is Monday or Tuesday will be affected by the Christmas and New Year holiday collection changes.
Refuse, recycling and garden waste collection changes
Monday 27 December 2010 - no collections
Your next collection day for refuse and recycling will be Monday 3 January 2011.
Your next garden waste collection will be Monday 10 January 2011.
Tuesday 28 December 2010 - no collections
Your next collection for refuse and recycling will be Tuesday 4 January 2011.Your next garden waste collection will be Tuesday 11 January 2011

FREE Christmas tree collection
Throughout January we will collect your real Christmas tree for free for composting.
  • Remove all decorations including the pot
  • Cut up if over 4ft tall
  • Put out on your garden waste collection day next to your waste and recycling.
Recycling Centres - Christmas holiday arrangements
These will be closed on:
  • Saturday 25 December 2010
  • Sunday 26 December 2010
  • Monday 27 December 2010
  • Saturday 1 January 2011
Usual opening times are:
Monday - Friday 8am - 4.15pm
Weekends and bank holidays 8am - 3.45pm (please note: bank holiday closing times apply on Tuesday 28 December 2010 and Monday 3 January 2011).

Archive November 2010

Urban Gulls

Bath MP Don Foster has tabled an early Day motion looking into the effects of Urban Gulls in the community.
Everyone in the East Twerton area knows the effects that Gulls have on every day life and the misery that these Urban gull cause.
We very much hope that Dons motion is successful and we can finally get some rest bite from these Gulls that are more than a nuisance to many people.
The text of the motion can be found at

Lymore Ave and Terrace

We have asked that Lymore Ave is cleared of all the litter that is there after a weekend visit the area was very messy.

The Litter bin on Lymore Terrace was also full up with Sainsbury bags all around it and we have asked that this is cleared and inspected regularly.

Door-to-door loan companies in this area

Door-to-door loan companies operate in South West Bath. Sometimes they call on residents and offer loans of money which thave to be repaid at very high interest rates. These loans might seem tempting but can lead to further hardship. For this reason a poster has been made to tell residents ways that they can get alternative financial help from the Citizens Advice Bureau, the Credit Union and Christians against Poverty (CAP).
The Citizens Advice Bureau gives financial advice at First Steps Children's Centre in Twerton on most Tuesdays. Telephone 01225 444791 to book an appointment. The Credit Union lends with far lower interest rates and also has an agent at Southdown Methodist Centre, The Hollow, on Thursdays between 6pm and 7pm. Call 0117 9247309.
Christians against Poverty (CAP) offers a free service for those in debt. An account is set up for you to pay off bills and debts by making one weekly or monthly payment to CAP which is distributed to your creditors. Call 0800 3280006.
To download the poster click here. Feel free to print off and pass on as many copies as you like.

Vernon Park

We have asked that the litter and rubbish that has been allowed to accumulate at Vernon Park is removed as soon as possible.

The current level of litter in this area is not acceptable and we will continue to chase the council until this area is kept clear.

Parking problem needs to be tackled

We have asked the council to investigate the parking situation at the junction of Victoria Close and Dartmouth Ave.

The problem has gradually got worse since the Bath Spa College opened its music centre on the site of the Linear Way industries site.

Residents have been informing us of difficulties in getting in and out of Victoria Close due to parked cars. So now we have asked for action to be taken to sort this situation out including ensuring that the Police take action against any vehicle causing an obstruction.

Millmead Road Street Lighting

We are still having problems with the street lighting installation at Millmead Road. We have already had several lights shielded to prevent light intrusion into bedrooms and now we have asked for further lights to also be shielded.

We hope that we have now identified all the lights that are causing a problem but if there are further problems then we will ask the council to resolve the issue.

Slow down

We have asked for speed monitors to be placed on Shophouse Road after receiving complaints about speeding traffic.

We have been told of cars brakes screeching as they approach the traffic island near the park entrance.

We have also asked for an investigation as to how traffic can be slowed down before an accident happens, The Police have also been informed and have been asked to carry out some speed checks in the area.

Cycling Routes

Due to the closure of Victoria Bridge to cyclists the route that was planned for cyclists over the destructor bridge is now being used quite heavily. The proposed destructor bridge scheme was delayed because there were some concerns around the recycling depot that the council are trying to resolve.

However, because the Victoria Bridge route is closed, cyclists are using Midland Road. From Lower Bristol Road the road is 2 way up to the bridge but vehicles are not expecting cyclists and visibility is poor because of the number of parked cars. As part of the original proposals the parking on the North and south side of Midland Road south of the bridge are to be restricted. The Traffic regulation order was for this was advertised and no objections were received.

The Council are now now proposing that the parking restrictions are implemented on the south side of Midland Road to improve visibility and safety for cyclists. This will then be monitored to see if there is a need to take out parking on the north side.

The order for this work to take place is being placed and the work should take place shortly. This should make the area much safer for cyclists.

Herman Miller Litter Bin

We have asked that the litter bin on the side of the river at Fieldings Road is emptied more often we are concerned that the bin is often overflowing.
The council seem to forget that this bin even exists let alone keep an eye on it we hope that this situation will improve.

Seasonal Podcast from Bath & North East Somerset Council

We have had a listen to this Podcast from Bath & North East Somerset Council and would encourage residents to have a listen

The second edition of the Podcast - compiled by Somer Valley 97.5FM and presented by Station Manager Dom Chambers - contains interviews with Andrew Cooper, Bath City Centre Manager about the exciting Christmas Light switch-on and visit of Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Paul Myers, Chairman of Midsomer Norton & Radstock Chamber of Commerce talking about events in the Somer Valley, and Rachel Ward from the Council covering Keynsham and the surrounding areas.

There are also interviews with:

·         Craig Jackson from the Council’s Highways Team highlighting how the Council is preparing for a tough winter on the roads;
·         Roger Pope from the Council’s Trading Standards Team on how to avoid dodgy goods and scams during Christmas time;
·         And the latest news on how to become a sports coach and a local energy champion.

Lymore Terrace & Coronation Avenue

After receiving complaints from residents about cars speeding on Lymore Terrace Councillor Sharon Ball has persuaded the council to install road speed detectors near to the build outs to check the speed of cars.
Sharon said " The Council have agreed to monitor the situation after concerns were raised that some car drivers were racing to get past the traffic calming measures before cars came in the other direction, further action will be taken to resolve the issue if needed."

Campaign to improve our play areas

Matt Hemsley is calling on B&NES Council to make the Dartmouth Avenue play area a pleasant place for local kids to play.
The play area is now owned and maintained by the council, and they have received a £20k grant for upkeep.
Matt said, “This grant is for long-term upkeep for the play area, but I think the council should spend a portion of it now and tidy up this play area.
At the moment it’s sadly not up to standard, and not used to it’s potential.”

Quality Streets for all

The following is a campaign that is being run by Sustrans to encourage cycling and walking in our community why not read on and if you agree take some action.
Wouldn’t life be great if the street outside your front door felt like your own space? Somewhere to chat with your neighbours, kick a ball with the kids, get about by foot and bike? Somewhere to give us all a better quality of life - a quality street.
For many of us the street outside our front door has become a place of speeding traffic, rat-running, noise and pollution. It’s a place for others to travel through rather than for communities to claim as their own.
That’s why Sustrans want local councillors to invest more of their local transport budgets to create quality streets. The first step is 20mph speed limits across whole villages, towns and cities. The second is residents being involved in designing their streets for living, playing, and getting out and about more. The result is better quality lives, quality chat and play, and safer more attractive places outside our front doors.
Quality Streets is a campaign to say we want our streets back, and the first step is to slow traffic.
follow the link if you want to make a comment

New Bridge proposed

A planning application has been submitted for the Provision of new bridge for walkers and cyclists that crosses Dartmouth ave, the description of the location is a little misleading as it is described as Street Record Millmead Road.
The applicant is Sustrans Ltd C/o Mr Patrick Tully 2 Cathedral Square College Green Bristol BS1 5DD and the agent is Chris Dent Architect 5 North Avenue Exeter EX1 2DU.
The Council officer dealing with this application is Jonathan Fletcher and the application number is 10/04379/FUL.
If you want to know more about the application or wish to make a comment then please follow the link on th

Archive June 2010


Cllr Sharon Ball has asked that the tree that is blocking the NO ENTRY sign at the Triangle is cut down before another car goes the wrong way down this street.
We would hope that this work would be carried out ASAP.

Litter Pick 26th June

We have organised a litter pick in the Lansdown View Estate to take place on Saturday 26th June at 2pm.

We hope that many local residents will come out and join us on this litter pick and we hope that it will go some way to put some pride back into this area.

The meeting place for the litter place will be the Corner of Shophouse Road and Twerton High Street.

Children and Adults very welcome.

Action Taken to get Lidl Open

Cllrs Sharon Ball and Lynda Hedges are pleased to report that progress is being made to ensure that Lidl are able to develop the former Herman Miller site on the Lower Bristol Road. Both Cllrs have attended meetings with planners and Lidl and feel that significant progress has now bee made to progress this scheme.
Cllr Ball said: “I am pleased that we have been able to achieve the progress that we have and feel that there is now little to prevent this development taking place”.

Funding for local groups

Cllr Lynda Hedges has used the discretionary grant money available to her to spend in Westmoreland to benefit two local groups and Charities.
A donation has been made to On Board to help them carry out the good work that they have been doing at Oldfield Park Station.
Shape Housing at Dartmouth Ave have also received funds for the the purchase of Computer equipment to help the Homeless find permanent accommodation and apply for Jobs.
Cllr Hedges said: “I feel that I have been able to strike a good balance for the community in helping these local groups”.


Bellotts Road

Cllr Sharon Ball has persuaded Council officers to put down new white keep Clear lines on the Corner of Bellotts Road close to the area that leads to the rear of the Royal Oak Public House. The reason for these lines has been due to some very bad parking that has lead to parked cars being hit by traffic trying to squeeze through a narrow gap.

Claude Ave Bridge

Cllr Sharon Ball has asked Bath & North East Somerset Council to clear away the overgrowth coming from the Linear Way. Sharon had received complaints from residents that were finding the path on the bridge difficult to navigate due to overhanging vegetation.

Archive April 2010

Goodbye Bath Freecycle – Hello Bath Freegle !

One of Bath’s most popular online social networks has been re-named.
Bath Freecycle, launched in February 2005 as a social group on Yahoo, has attracted over 11,000 members in the local area and has developed a strong reputation as the best place to give away unwanted goods.
Originally, the Freecycle movement began as a grassroots initiative in Texas in 2003. It’s now grown from one small group into a global network of thousands of Yahoo groups all over the world, but has been most successful in English-speaking countries.
Run entirely by volunteers, at local level Freecycle is facilitated by list co-ordinators, or “moderators”.
Over the last 5 years, the Bath group has grown from a handful of members who mostly knew one another through the popular LETS scheme, to its mass membership, with people giving away anything for free: from television sets to building materials, from furniture to Hi-Fi systems, bicycles, kitchen utensils, baby equipment and even the occasional car.

Councillors Campaign for Action On the Brickfields

Councillor Lynda Hedges and Councillor Sharon Ball have called for action on the play area called the Brickfields.
Councillor Hedges met with the council a representative for parks and talked about the whole site.
Lynda explained that motor bikes were using the play area and making the site a mud bath and unsafe for children, she also stated that security on the site was poor as the youngsters could lift the motor bikes over the gate.
There is also a spring that leaves deep puddles. The officer explained the the dirt humps were placed there for children to use their BMX bikes, However the Council representative said he would try to move them somewhere else and sort out the drainage.
Councillor Hedges said " the Brickfields has long been neglected, and needed a facelift, I have asked for goal posts and picnic benches, and for the litter bins to be emptied on a regular basis.
I would like to thank the lady who empties the waste bins, and the resident who met me on the Brickfields, Lynda added I have asked the Council if we can have a few fruit trees planted and maybe some raspberry by the wire fencing so that people could pick their own when the time is right".
The Council have responded saying that the funding was limited and they would do could with the resources available.

Archive March 2010

Tesco confirms plans for Bath superstore

Tesco have confirmed what we have known all along that they want to build a superstore on the site of the Former Bath Press site on the Lower Bristol Road.
A planning application to develop the old Bath Press site in Lower Bristol Road is now being put together.
The five-acre Bath Press site was bought by London-based developer St James's Investments in 2008, a year after the factory shut with the loss of 200 jobs.
Since buying the building, which conservationists failed in a campaign to get listed, St James's has held consultation events with local residents as it plans what it calls a mixed use development.
We wil bring you more news as it becomes available.

Secondary school consultation meetings for Bath

Bath & North East Somerset Council are preparing to carry out a consultation process with members of the public concerning their proposals for secondary school reorganisation in Bath.
Dates for public meetings
Thursday 6th May


Wednesday 12th May
St Mark’s School
Baytree Road
Bath  BA1 6ND
Wednesday 19th May
Oldfield School
Kelston Road
Bath  BA1 9AB
Thursday 20th May
Culverhay School
Rush Hill
Bath  BA2 2QL
Tuesday 25th May
Brunswick Room
Guildhall, High Street
Bath  BA1 5AW


Road Reports for the East Twerton & Lwr Oldfield Park area

Street Name and Map Start and Completion Dates Work Description
21/03/2010 to 26/03/2010 Organisation Name: NO R&R Somerset & Wilts - Wiltshire 1
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: O/S NO 45
Traffic Type: Signing Only
22/03/2010 to 24/03/2010 Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (Bath Operations)
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: 13
Work Description: Meter - option
Traffic Type: Signing Only
26/03/2010 to 30/03/2010 Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (Bath Operations)
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: 192
Work Description: Meter - option
Traffic Type: Signing Only
22/03/2010 to 29/03/2010 Organisation Name: NO R&R Somerset & Wilts - Wiltshire 1
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: S/O NO 30 HERBERT ROAD
Traffic Type: Signing Only
18/03/2010 to 22/03/2010 Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (Bath Operations)
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: 39
Work Description: Washout - repair/replace
Traffic Type: Signing Only
19/03/2010 to 23/03/2010 Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (Bath Operations)
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: 101
Work Description: Stop tap - replacement due to inoperation
Traffic Type: Signing Only
23/03/2010 to 25/03/2010 Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (Bath Operations)
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: 19
Work Description: Stop tap - replacement due to leak
Traffic Type: Signing Only
24/03/2010 to 26/03/2010 Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (Bath Operations)
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: 58
Work Description: Sluice valve leaking - seal/packing repair
Traffic Type: Signing Only
01/11/2010 to 03/04/2011 Organisation Name: Bath and North East Somerset
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: Bus Rapid Transit route / A3604 Windsor Bridge Rd Junction
Work Description: BRT - Carriageway widening/ Footway construction/ new traffic signalised junction/ utility diversions/ signing and lining works.
Traffic Type: Two-Way Signals

Take part in Bath’s World Heritage Day celebrations

To celebrate Bath as a World Heritage site, Bath & North East Somerset Council are hosting a day of events and activities for the whole family to enjoy on World Heritage Day, Sunday 18 April.
The City of Bath has been designated a World Heritage Site since 1987 for its outstanding Roman and 18th Century architecture, its 18th Century town-planning and the social setting. The Romans had the foresight and technology to harness the only hot springs in this country, and in the same fantastic landscape setting the Georgians built an elegant new town which influenced the architectural and social traditions of a nation.
For the World Heritage Day celebrations, Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Heritage Services have teamed up with The Bath Preservation Trust and the National Trust to put together a programme of activities on the lawn outside Royal Crescent from 11.00-15.00.
Activities taking place on the day include:
  • Military Re-enactments – The Ermine Street Guard will march and perform military re-enactments throughout the day. Their Roman Camp will be full of exciting things to explore. Free to all.
  • Guided Walks - The Mayor’s Honorary Guides will be offering guided circular walks every hour at 11.50, 12.50, 13.50 and 14.50 around the architecture of upper Bath starting at the Roman Camp in Royal Victoria Park. Free to all.
  • No.1 Royal Crescent will be open 10.30-17.00. Join Mr. Tyson, Master of Ceremonies at Georgian Bath, when he visits No.1 Royal Crescent, and becomes involved in Scandal at the Spa! Or visit the historic kitchen at No.1 to see the cook preparing a Georgian feast. Costumed performances throughout the day in the elegant interiors of this restored 18th century townhouse. Admission to No.1 is free for Bath and North East Somerset Residents with a Discovery Card on World Heritage Day.
  • The Assembly Rooms, will be open 10.30-17.00 for visitors to explore the historical rooms that were at the heart of fashionable Georgian society, the perfect venue for entertainment. When completed in 1771, they were described as ‘the most noble and elegant of any in the kingdom’. National Trust staff will be on hand to talk about their present and future involvement in Bath. Free entry.
  • Bath Preservation Trust staff from the Trust will be on hand to talk about the work of the Trust and to help owners and custodians of Bath’s historic property understand their buildings and the important contribution they make to the World Heritage Site’s Outstanding Universal Values. If you are considering buying a historic property or have recently done so there will be the opportunity to ask about how to care for, repair and restore it. Advice and guidance from the Trust’s experts available at the BPT tent on the lawn between 11.00-15.00
For further information about events taking place on World Heritage Day visit,,, or pick up a leaflet from your local library, tourist information centre or any Council reception point.

Archive Feb 2010

Linear Way litter pick

We had a very successful litter pick organised by June Player and her on board team this afternoon.
Nearly Thirty residents attended and were joined by Don Foster MP, Westmoreland Cllrs Sharon Ball & Lynda Hedges, Oldfield Cllr Will Sandry and Twerton Cllr Tim Ball.
Many bags of rubbish were collected on the litter pick that was carried out between Dartmouth Ave and Monksdale Road.

Latest Road Reports for Lwr Oldfield Park & East Twerton,

Street Name and Map Start and Completion Dates Work Description
18/02/2010 to 18/02/2010 Organisation Name: B&NES - Contractor Atkins
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: corner of cynthia road
Work Description: patching
Traffic Type: Stop/Go Boards
25/02/2010 to 01/03/2010 Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (Trowbridge Operations)
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: 42
Work Description: Meter - option
Traffic Type: Signing Only
24/02/2010 to 26/02/2010 Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (Bath Operations)
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: 14
Work Description: Mains - leak
Traffic Type: Stop/Go Boards
25/02/2010 to 01/03/2010 Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (Northern Waste R&M)
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: 39
Work Description: Section 81 defect
Traffic Type: Signing Only
03/03/2010 to 05/03/2010 Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (Engineering Northern WECS)
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: Morley Terrace
Work Description: Lift cover, Survey condition, Take Measurements and Replace Cover. No excavation work required
Traffic Type: Signing Only
01/11/2010 to 03/04/2011 Organisation Name: Bath and North East Somerset
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: Bus Rapid Transit route / A3604 Windsor Bridge Rd Junction
Work Description: BRT - Carriageway widening/ Footway construction/ new traffic signalised junction/ utility diversions/ signing and lining works.
Traffic Type: Two-Way Signals

Land Drain to get cleared

After raising the issue of the land drain close to Oldfield Park Railway Station with the Environment Agency, Network rail have come forward and have said that they are going to arrange to have the drain cleared of the rubbish from the drain.
We hold our breath in anticipation.

Bath Half Marathon

Road Closures and Public Transport Information

This page provides information on the Bath Half Marathon which takes place on Sunday 7th March 2010.

Information for bus users

  • Between 10:30 and 14:30 on Sunday 7th March 2010 the following bus services will be affected in the following way:
2 to Combe Down & 13 to Foxhill and Batheaston     
These services will commence from Widcombe Parade and operate via Wells Road.  They will both return to Widcombe Parade via North Road, Ralph Allen Drive, and Prior Park Road.  Please note that the 13 service will not be operating as a through route - the service to Elmhurst and Bathford will terminate at Bath Bus Station.
5 to Whiteway, 10 to Twerton, 12 to Southdown & 17 to Kingsway
These services will not be able to use Lower Bristol Road so instead of terminating at Bath Bus Station, they will operate via Lower Oldfield Park & Upper Oldfield Park before terminating at the junction of Upper Oldfield Park and Wells Road.
14A to Odd Down and Weston                             
Please note that there will be no through route from Odd Down to Weston available.  The service from Odd Down will terminate at the junction of Upper Oldfield Park and Wells Road.  The service from Weston will terminate at Dorchester Street and will not operate via Upper Bristol Road.
18 to Bath University & 418 to Bath University and Bath Spa University
The 418 service will operate non stop from Newton St Loe, The Globe to Bath Uni.  The 18 service will operate from the City Centre via Walcot Street, Bathwick Street, Beckford Road, North Road, Cleveland Walk and Bathwick Hill.  Before 10:15am and between 2:30pm and 5pm the 18 service will operate via North Parade.
U18 to Bath University
The U18 service will commence from Corn Street and will not serve Oldfield Park. This service will operate from the City Centre via Walcot Street, Bathwick Street, Beckford Road, North Road, Cleveland Walk and Bathwick Hill.   Before 10:15am and between 2:30pm and 5pm the U18 service will operate via North Parade.
232 to Chippenham, 265 to Warminster & 272 to Easterton
Services 272 and 232 will operate via Walcot Street in both directions but long delays are expected.  The 265 to Warminster will operate via Walcot Street, Bathwick Street, Beckford Road and then normal route in both directions of travel.
339 & 632 to Bristol
Service 339 will operate to Bristol via south Bath commencing from the junction of Upper Oldfield Park and Wells Road and travelling via Bear Flat, Bloomfield Road, Englishcombe Lane, Whiteway Road, Pennyquick and Newton St Loe.  Service 632 will operate to Bristol via north Bath commencing from Bath Bus Station and travelling via Broad Street, Lansdown Road, Julian Road, Weston Road, Weston Park, Crown Hill, Crown Road and Penn Hill Road.
173 to Wells, 267 to Frome & 178/179 to Midsomer Norton/Paulton 
These services will travel via their normal routes with the exception that they will terminate at the junction of Upper Oldfield Park and Wells Road rather than at the City Centre.
For further information on how bus services will be operating on 7th March 2010 please contact:
First Group: 0845 606 4446
Wessex Connect: 01225 332726
Bath & North East Somerset Council: 01225 477615                                       
Traveline: 0871 200 22 33

Park & Ride information

Road Closure and Parking information

Find out more about the event

Interested in applying for the boiler scrappage scheme?

Get information on how to apply for the UK Government's boiler scrappage scheme which offers a £400 cashback voucher when you scrap your G-rated boiler and replace it with an A-rated boiler, or renewable heat technology.
(Please note that this scheme is currently only available in England)

Problem Potholes Coronation Avenue/Bellotts Road

by Lynda Hedges

Your Local Councillors, Councillor Sharon Ball and Councillor Lynda Hedges have acted quickly to contact the Highways department to get the dangerous pot Holes at the top of Coronation Avenue and the bridge at the top of Bellotts road repaired.

We would ask you to tell us of any we have missed so that we can report them for repair as soon as possible.
Could we also ask you to contact us if you are having problems with rubbish collection,(rubbish not collected or rubbish bags split open and not cleared up)
Please also contact us on any issue or idea you may have.
Please contact us by using the contact details in the more about me section.

Council land drain polluted

The land drain that runs under the railway track near Oldfield Park Railway station is full of rubbish and so far the council will not take responsibility for it.
We have contacted the council and the only answer that we can get is that it must be something to do with the railway. We are nor happy with this answer and will be pressing to get this drain cleared.
We have now asked the environment agency to step in and deal with this issue as the council so far do not seem to want to.
This matter was raised at the last Westmoreland PACT meeting as an issue that needed dealing with.

Welcome new PCSO Kim Tanner

Kim has started in East Twerton & Lwr Oldfield Park today as a new PCSO working alongside our beat manager Adrian Secker and PCSO's Newman and Jessica Comer.
Kim brings a wealth of experience to the area and we are sure that she will soon make herself known to local residents.

Adrian Secker and new PCSO Kim Tanner


Bath & North East Somerset Council have issued the following Highway orders.
Notice is hereby given that the Bath and North East Somerset Council in pursuance of the provisions of section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended has made a notice the effect of which will be to close temporarily to vehicles that length of Moorland Road which extends from its junction with Triangle East to its junction with Triangle North

This notice is required because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the road consequent upon remedial reinstatement works and will be operative from the 16th February for a maximum period of five days. However, the restriction may not be effected for the whole of the period but it is anticipated that the road will be closed as and when traffic signs are in position and only for so long as is necessary to execute the works which it is anticipated will be for FOUR DAYS.

ALTERNATIVE ROUTE – Moorland Road (unaffected part), Herbert Road, Cynthia Road, West Avenue, Triangle North.

New Play area opens at Hillcrest Drive

The new play area at Hillcrest Drive opened on Saturday and was attended by many local people, Cllr Sharon Ball joined other councillors and residents at the opening.
Although it was a bitter cold day many residents joined in the fun and young children took advantage to try out the new play equipment.

Cllr Sharon Ball and Southdown Cllr Paul Crossley

Clear up of Land asked for

We have asked that the grass area and hedgerows between Landseer Road and Loxton Drive are cleared up as soon as possible.
The land is in a mess and has been for some time now.

Bus Hold anger loacl residents

Many residents in East Twerton who were catching the Bus yesterday would have felt anger at the delay in the buses arriving and leaving Twerton at one time there were four buses in a row in Twerton all the buses that run on the route.
First Bus when spoken to blame road works in town near the centre for the hold ups and yes these are partly a reason for some delay.
But we have to ask our selves why is it always the number 5 that is the worst affected the number 10 to Southdown always runs on time.
Is it that we now have a route that is not sustainable and in need of review or is that the bus company does not care about one of its busiest routes?

Latest Road reports for East Twerton & Lower Oldfield Park

Start and Completion Dates Work Description
10/02/2010 to 12/02/2010 Organisation Name: WESSEX WATER (Bath Operations)
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: 24
Work Description: Stop tap - replacement due to inoperation
Traffic Type: Signing Only
15/02/2010 to 17/02/2010 Organisation Name: NATIONAL NOTICING DEPARTMENT
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: Jct Ayr Street
Work Description: reset frame and cover
Traffic Type: Signing Only
08/02/2010 to 15/02/2010 Organisation Name: 1163 NE MENDIP CONSTRUCTION
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: Outside no.8
Work Description: 1 dig pit in tarmac footway for new supply
Traffic Type: Signing Only
01/11/2010 to 03/04/2011 Organisation Name: Bath and North East Somerset
Locality: TWERTON
Ward: Westmoreland
Work Location: Bus Rapid Transit route / A3604 Windsor Bridge Rd Junction
Work Description: BRT - Carriageway widening/ Footway construction/ new traffic signalised junction/ utility diversions/ signing and lining works.
Traffic Type: Two-Way Signals

Litter Pick taking place 28th February

On Board a community group in our area are organising a litter pick on the Linear Way meeting at 2.30 Dartmouth Ave Gate - equipment being provided by the Council.
Why not come and join us on a sunny February afternoon and help the community keep our area clean.


Notice is hereby given that the Bath and North East Somerset Council in pursuance of the provisions of section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended intends to make an order the effect of which will be to close temporarily to vehicles that length of Midland Road, Bath, which extends from its junction with the access road to the Midland Road depot in a southerly direction for 60m and then in an easterly direction for a further 35m.

This order is required because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the road consequent upon footpath widening on the Destructor Bridge and will be operative from the 1st March for a maximum period of three months. However, the restriction may not be effected for the whole of the period but it is anticipated that the road will be closed as and when traffic signs are in position and only for so long as is necessary to execute the works which it is anticipated will be for ONE DAY IN EARLY MARCH AND FOR A WEEK IN LATE MARCH.

ALTERNATIVE ROUTEA4 Upper Bristol Road, Windsor Bridge Road, A36 Lower Bristol Road.

Museums at Half Term

Bath & North East Somerset Council museums and galleries are putting on a number of events and activities from February 13 – 21, to coincide with half term holidays.
Eleven venues will be offering talks and events for children and adults, ranging from firecracker workshops to stamp collecting.
Why not make your loved one a Georgian style valentine’s card inspired by the collections of Number 1 Royal Crescent; recreate a Celtic coin design from 2000 years ago at the Roman Baths or get crafty at the Victoria Art Gallery?
Or discover how the builders of the 18th century worked at the Building of Bath collection or have a go at building your own bird box at Prior Park Landscape Garden.
The Museum of East Asian Art will celebrate the Lunar New Year with an extravaganza at the Assembly Rooms on Sunday February 21. The year of the Tiger will be welcomed in with music, martial arts demonstrations and dancing.
A guide to what’s on this half term is available from your local library, museum, tourist Information centre and most council offices. Alternatively visit

Clear up of land promised

The Council have promised to clear up the land between Albany Road & Loxton Drive after we reported the grass area between these two roads being in a mess.